The hiatus is over. This is the first proper article I’ve written since the 19 Dec 20 piece “CRITICAL: The Pending Pivot Back to Russia” examining the Biden administration’s (and China’s/CCP’s) objective of deflecting the building momentum focused on them during President Trump’s remaining days in office so as to resume the prior of Russian-predicated constructs that have underpinned much of their criminality and treason.

Or, in other words, they need the old boogeyman to be the new boogeyman to cause the people to look away from the REAL boogeyman – them.

Let’s get right back into it with a simple rhetorical question that everybody refuses to answer – where did the flu go?

We know where the flu went and I’ve been delivering that data copiously since very early 2020. Kicking that long dead horse and simply stated the flu, or rather its infection and mortality data, has been curated, harvested and propagated as COVID-19.

Much has happened since the last article and much of that was put forth in 9 episodes of The Still – a first attempt at a video/podcast style of content delivery. I had the graphics for episode 10 prepped and ready before hitting a wall, tapping the brakes and taking a moratorium – just a regular guy here and all of this periodically takes a toll that sometimes requires a moratorium. It’s good to be back to old school writing.

Ever try to sit down to have a complex and interesting conversation alone with your inanimate laptop while recording it to post publicly? Let’s just say it ain’t easy and kudos to those who produce this type of video content with both regularity and high production quality (MonkeyWerx, X22 Report, Tore and several others come to mind). The amount of work in the backdrop to prepare a single episode for posting is crazy – hat tip to all of them. With the groundwork in place, perhaps we’ll visit the format again soon.


So where do we stand? Where do Americans realistically and objectively find ourselves 121 days into the Biden/Harris administration?

The answer presents in two basic and plausible ways as best it can be interpreted, understood and applied:

1) As Commander-in-Chief, an outgoing President Trump fulfilled his sworn Constitutional onus to defend the Republic against all enemies foreign and domestic and therefore he took any and all necessary steps to effectively advise military leadership accordingly. This would include the delineation of a commenced and asymmetrical World War III begun by leveraging biowarfare by means of launching of a bio-WMD (as classified by the FBI) against the U.S. This would include the objectives of infiltrating the America’s institutions writ large for the purpose of removing a sitting president to overthrow the U.S. government. Logically this advisement occurred prior to the 2020 election and even possibly leveraged the newly minted U.S. Space Force in response. Therefore, we would find ourselves resting in a state with a divided government where the military recognizes President Trump while the Congress and Judiciary recognize President Biden. This division


2) We are in real trouble likely facing the end of America and the beginning of Amerika.

For the sake of the dialogue, let’s further define “real trouble” as the Biden/Harris administration being installed by China and the CCP by leveraging COVID-19 as a bio-WMD and with Biden, as a placeholder, proxy and pawn, serving both them and Obama and the Deep State/Shadow Government. Thus far, Biden has functioned largely by means of an unprecedented level of executive orders despite possessing all three requisite components to pass legislation constitutionally – the Democrats posses the Executive and both chambers of Congress. It all means that the United States has been flipped right back over to this broader and long-tenured plan that is playing out as a de facto Obama third term.

Actually, if all had gone according to plan, it would be a Hillary Clinton second term and Amerika would look much different than it does today; and not for the better. Even worse, that’s given how utterly shitty and contemptible the state of Amerika is right now. All of it has led to this, which is my new favorite mantra – “Amerika is a shit hole banana republic. All of the good banana republics are laughing at us.”

But therein we see hope in the form of a bit of light peering through a slight crack in the door.

The hope is simply this and it’s really a reminder – in order for President Trump to have secured his 2016 victory, there had to have been a preexisting military-based plan of intervention to “un-rig” a rigged election so actual could authentically stand with fidelity and deliver a legitimate and historic win. This is what gives us hope so long as military leadership hasn’t fallen alongside the rest of the traitors.

It bears this question. Who “un-rigs” an election to win only to stand in the middle of the voter fraud train tracks staring down the headlight for 4 years – never even flinching, much less moving – waiting for the election theft train to plow him over; and especially when he’s known as a savvy and highly intelligent political street-fighter the likes of which our times have never seen?

“Nobody” would be my answer while reminding folks that it doesn’t sound very Trump-like, does it?

So although it’s anecdotal and circumstantial at best, we can see that the door is cracked for some light to shine through. What remains are questions about who, what, when, where and how. But with no tangible evidence suggesting an immediate reversal of course, that is all we have for now; however, that alone encapsulates the importance of the Arizona election audit in Maricopa County in what is hoped to become the first domino in a series of audits in other states.

A long-tenured and previously covered position is that Mr. Trump must exhaust all of his means of civil redress before moving on to unconventional and by default, military ones. We’re nearing if not at the end of that rope and it stands to reason that a logical threshold in all of this is the presentation to the people of clear and irrefutable evidence of the scope of election fraud as asserted by President Trump. It is here that Arizona bears down with full might and the enemies of democracy are responding as you might expect by dispatching an army of attorneys of the Lawfare ilk and similar.

What happens at the end of the Maricopa road when the public arrives to learn generally what the military is presumed to have known with granularity for months; especially when the people respond en masse as pro Trump, pro democracy, pro America and ‘pro we’re done f______g around, fix this now!’? It’s this dynamic that appears as if it could be a logical trigger or threshold on our timeline.

It’s also important to measure against our timeline and evaluate the peculiar timing of NYC’s, NY AG Letitia James’ and Manhattan DA Cy Vance’s recent advisement of a shift to criminal charges against President Trump. This should be viewed as an extension of the Flynn, Mueller, Russia, Ukraine, impeachment I and impeachment II continuum whereby the aforementioned have been tasked. As we do this and because it informs my position here, let’s examine President Trump’s reply to this development as coupled with my reply to him, which includes a typo I’ll chalk up to eyes about to turn 50.

It stands to reason that the criminal investigation will expand into the broader Trump umbrella and into the Trump family. They’ve already and recently targeted Rudy Giulani and now this? More logically sound reasoning tells us that President likely has thresholds of his own built into any possible military-based response and they most certainly apply to the Trump children and the broader family. So, I wonder if this development is one of them? I would suggest that it is ergo we may be closer than farther away to the first actionable steps at a course reversal but only time will tell.


Turning to COVID-19, recall that the Moonshine catalog of work contains thousands of written pages, videos, graphics, articles, reports, social media posts, etc. that date back to early January 2020 and collectively represent the first and most complete catalog of original thought and work that is publicly available and which explicitly identifies COVID-19 as a false flag political construct. Moonshine was the first to claim and demonstrate this.

Now, consider that former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has recently shifted his narrative to China and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (a legitimate CCP/military laboratory.) In reference to prior work from the catalog, this development bodes well relative to the status quo meaning that it could be pretext for Pompeo (Trump) circling back on his advisement last year to governors, congressmen, senators and universities when he said that China and the CCP had evaluated each of them as friend or foe.

I’ve long contended that the most efficient and effective way to undo COVID-19 is to rip its spine out and that spine is the predication for the emergency declaration, which occurred on 11 Mar 20 and permitted the Fauci/Biden/Obama cohort to usurp President Trump’s emergency powers when Trump was legally compelled to defer to his experts by means of the Stafford Act. By destructing the emergency declaration, which is the precise component that provides the legal authority to eclipse the U.S. Constitution, authorize experimental vaccines, implement recommended guidelines and mitigation policies, etc., there would be no legal interface for federal, state, county or local authorities to intercede on Americans’ Constitutional rights. Or, in other words, the pandemic of propagated fraudulent data would disappear immediately. The point being that destructing the predication could and should begin in China and in the Wuhan lab and this is exactly where Pompeo is going.

Compound all of that with my early 2020 reporting that Anthony Fauci was entangled in conflicts of interest on many fronts including researching coronavirus strains relative to bioweaponization, funding the same research in the U.S. and then abroad in China, exporting the U.S.’s same research to China during the Obama administration, etc. All of this – all previously reported in old work – is now beginning to move into more fulsome light as the mainstream is learning what Mooonshiners have known for a very long time.

Political Moonshine was the first and (as best I can tell, only one) to identify and explain how Nancy Pelosi leveraged the first fraudulent impeachment as a precise timeline cover mechanism for the COVID-19 false flag political construct to be ushered-in while the Western world was distracted post-Christmas by two days. This is critical because it established the first direct political nexus to allow us to gain clarity in other associated areas including a forthcoming peculiar maneuver relative to PCR testing (more on that critical aspect momentarily.) Importantly, this allows for the hypothetical prosecutorial net to be further cast around a significant number of U.S. politicians with Chinese/CCP entanglements.

The COVID-19 timeline permits us to fully understand the fraud driving the “pandemic” while we fit it into the broader geopolitical landscape. It’s worth remembering that the all of the exclusive work here mostly focuses on active steps in the constructive process while omitting (for brevity’s sake) other important information.

News of the outbreak arrived on 27 Dec 19 but was later revised backwards to 17 Nov 19 and the first U.S. case was confirmed 20 Jan 20. Despite our early January position that COVID-19 was fraudulent, our work was placed in a holding pattern until the first respective U.S. data sets arrived in early February. From that point and moving forward, I identified the inverse relationship between the onset of CV19 and the disappearance of flu/pneumo. These general details underpin the effort to establish the true nature of the pandemic – a propagation of fraudulently constructed data.

In March 2016, President Obama augmented longstanding presidential transition law to specifically include pandemic preparedness and our evidence includes purchasing spreadsheets for “COVID-19” items such as “test kits” and other related items for the years of 2017, 2018 and 2019 (featured in several articles, videos and video podcasts.) It should be understood that relative to those years, the term “COVID-19” was not created and applied to this pandemic until 11 Feb 20. It’s odd they purchased them by name before they were given said name, no?


On 13 Jan 17, the outgoing Obama team then inserted the pandemic construct into the incoming Trump team’s administration during their compulsory transition meetings (those slides have been available on the website for over a year.) Not coincidentally, Obama’s administration also coordinated the release of the cooked-up Flynn/Russia story into the MSM the day before to function like impeachment I to COVID-19 – as a deflection and distraction mechanism.

In foreboding fashion, Fauci, Biden and others all previously warned that the incoming Trump administration would face a “surprise outbreak,” as Fauci put it (also previously and extensively covered and documented.)

Two days after Christmas it all arrived and Fauci, the coronavirus “expert” who has gotten it all wrong and contradicted himself the entire way, stood us down sans masks and said “don’t worry” while also leaving open international travel to the source of the outbreak in China. None of that made sense until the true ulterior agenda was understood. Now, it’s all crystal clear.

From there and going forward, the Democrats then began the push for the construct by driving the narrative for expanded testing beginning in January of 2020. Expanded testing will bear down in a fundamental fashion momentarily.

On 04 March 20, the National Vital Statistics System began by issuing a series of 6 diagnostic memos that functioned as rules to medical providers and were devised and crafted to cause the providers to harvest and curate fraudulent COVID data from an average of 4.0 (now up from 2.6 as of 12 May 21) co-morbidities (primarily flu, pneumonia, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.) The fraudulent construct also included financial incentives for COVID diagnoses over others and for respirator applications.

The Democrats’ narrative for expanded testing delivered and not by accident because the CDC/WHO did two things to ensure that it would; one of which has NEVER occurred before and that was the 2020 “mid-April “shift”, as I branded it, wherein they moved the “pandemic” measuring stick from mortality data, which is the accepted conventional measurement and which was in decline due to the annual seasonal die-off of the leveraged co-morbidities, to “NEW CASE” data. THAT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE.

Stay with me – this will make sense.

The second thing the CDC/WHO did was devised to deliver the data on demand while resting on the push for exponentially more testing. Here, they broke away from conventional standards relative to the PCR test, which measures viral load (how infectious the virus is, generally) by means of cycle threshold. Conventionally and generally, the CT is set in the range of 17-25 with it being understood that anything above 25 would deliver unreliable results.

For the COVID-19 pandemic, the CT range for PCR testing was deliberately increased to and set at an unconventional and anomalously high range of approximately 35-40. PCR testing with this high of a cycle threshold has one particular consequential result – it delivers false positive test results in abundance. Now it should make sense.

So, in April, the data driver of flu/pneumo was drying up due to typical seasonal die-off and so the pre-determined move to “new case data” occurred at the flip of a switch given how the increase in testing overlays the increase in new cases as precisely delineated on our line graph. This allowed them to drag the pandemic through spring, summer and fall and right back to peak flu of 2020-2021, which the CDC runs for 2 months beginning every 01 Dec because and as simply stated, the more you look for something, the more you find it.

More recently, India and Seychelles provide exemplars into two important dynamics in this same vein: 1) India – expanded testing and vaccination always appears to lead to more cases causing us to ask, “chicken or egg?” and 2) Seychelles – individuals previously tested and vaccinated are subsequently turning up positive for COVID-19.

Reflecting back on Biden’s inauguration and to fully hammer home the position that what we are seeing is evidenced criminal fraud, do you recall what happened within the first hour of Biden’s presidency? The WHO/CDC – WITHIN AN HOUR! – reduced the cycle threshold for PCR testing back down to the conventionally accepted level. Not even 60 minutes of Biden’s presidency had passed before the change was made. What do you think the result was?

Nothing to see here – move along, now.

Remarkably (not really because I predicted this would happen exactly as it did – the graphic above is from March and article below is from the end of April), as the PCR test revisions delivered decreased infection and mortality data so as to see the installed CCPresident off to a good start, they completely flipped the script on us in the most egregious way and by claiming that the reason the flu (pneumonia) had essentially disappeared was due to the guidelines and mitigations enforced for COVID-19! That’s right. They attributed the disappearance of the flu to their own genius rather than their own criminal fraud and it happened like everything else – as predicted. Americans are dumb, though, and they’ll slurp-up that Kool-Aid elixir like they have with the rest of it.

“New cases” bridged the pandemic from 2020 to 2021 just like I have identified and previously reported that “variants” will bridge the gap from 2021 to 2022. Unless we make good on the aforementioned Trump/military plan, I stand firm on two very long tenured positions – 1) these people will never stop until they are made to stop and 2) COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere.

Currently, we are still in the thick of it and not going anywhere even though the data continues to stack-up against the narrative (false flag political construct.) On 26 Aug 20 the CDC revised away 94% of its bulk mortality data stating that COVID diagnoses with COVID being the sole cause had actually leveraged an average of 2.6 co-morbidities. This left only 6% of their mortality data as valid.


The CDC did the exact same thing on 12 May 21 whereby the new numbers aggravate the matter with 95% being of the sole-cause data being revised away leaving only 5% of the remaining data as valid. Even worse, the number of leveraged co-morbidities increased to 4.0.

Do you know what happens if you take the CDC’s fear porn mortality data at 5% and 6%? Let me tell you. It puts the number right smack in the middle of a typical annual flu season when the pandemic has seen flu/pneumo disappear inversely to it.

More recently, the MSM has come to identify old Moonshine work as “exclusive” and “news” and importantly, the matter of culpability was raised. This is something that I addressed in detail over a year ago at the time President Trump actually made it happen. Just like everybody else missed impeachment as the cover mechanism for COVID-19, they missed President Trump fully compartmentalizing the totality of the COVID-19 pandemic squarely with Anthony Fauci (and Mike Pence) in a legendary press conference. TGP and Rand Paul discussed this on 13 May 21 while I brought it to your attention 14 Arp 20, when it happened.


The entire pandemic is one of fraudulently propagated data like the data point where the CDC has 2020 as the 12th deadliest year in the past 12 years and whereby deadlier disease outbreaks than COVID existed during the same span with obvious disparity in how it was handled for Obama.

If you’re looking for positive news in terms of a reprieve if not elimination of the COVID-19 pandemic sans a change of leadership in the White House, it’s a fruitless search in a ominous scene.

So, as it stands, the source controlling the data remains in charge (Fauci/Biden/Obama cohort) and the MSM is fully engaged in the continual propagation of it so, from a federal level, there appears to be no end in sight as noted. It will be variants that drag us through to next year’s peak flu and in between, determining who your county sheriff and state governor – either by election or moving van – becomes the priority.


We began this piece outlining my position that we are in the midst of an asymmetrical WWIII as commenced with the release of a bio-WMD against the U.S. and moreover, I would suggest that most Americans are entirely oblivious to this point. Therein, we can’t omit the importance of the Middle East and specifically Iran, upon which Pompeo recently remarked and for which we can fall back on even more existing work. The fundamental aspect here is that Iran has functioned as proxy manufacturer of a nuclear arsenal developed for the Deep State/Shadow Government to wield against Western nations to leverage them into desired geopolitical positions.

Refocusing on China, several recent developments further bolster our positions and confirm old work as accurate. For one, we had previously verified the presence of four artificial HIV inserts in the SARS-CoV-2 virus and of gain of function properties as markers indicative of bio-weaponization and moreover, we established a complex network of people and entities eventually tying it back to the lab in Wuhan; including Fauci’s previous research and NIH funding, and as a functionary of the CCP and PLA.

New evidence continues to stack upon old. The frenzied uptick is such that now, even House Republicans are taking it up with Fauci. Don’t forget this, too – Fauci is the highest paid employee in the entire federal apparatus making $400,000 annually having entered under Reagan in 1984. Who was VPOTUS then? George H.W. Bush, who has direct ties to the Nazi party via his father Prescott Bush? Yep. One and the same.

If you care to sidebar or come back to it later, that particular Bush angle is again covered in this.

Especially given the recent remarks from the CDC, there is a part of me that wonders if a carve-out is being made in the narrative for an exit away from what appears to be a growing tide of evidence and truth that is en route; including more entanglements for Fauci that draw back to 2014 and place him in the Situation Room (think of no ability to eavesdrop) of Obama’s White House relative to gain of function.

Recently, a Chinese professor with close ties to the CCP delineated the same position that I presented back in May of 2020 – that we are in a state of an undeclared third world war.

Here’s the larger extract with the more relevant aspect highlighted outlining President Trump’s handling of an undeclared WWIII as I presented it in Making the Case for Treason on 06 May 20,

9 responses to “Standing on the Truth and Staring WWIII in the Face”

  1. I’ve missed your written work and am so glad to see your return to that format. Thank you!

    I continue to find bright spots of hope for better days ahead, and I continue to believe that a path out of this mess is still possible.

  2. […] Standing on the Truth and Staring WWIII in the Face […]

  3. […] Standing on the Truth and Staring WWIII in the Face […]

  4. […] break, I came back with several hard-hitting articles recently; saving the best for last. In the first, I provided a complete recapitulation and explanation of the pandemic while reinforcing the notion […]

  5. Re: your response to Trump on his response to the leak about criminal charges.
    Once the lightbulb is switched on everything makes sense. Which lightbulb a voice says from the nearby darkness?
    `We the people’ were delivered from an awful fate when Trump won in 2016. It was a shock win, many never believed it possible. Particularly because Hillary Rodham Clinton was deep state annointed, American royalty almost, a self entitled liar, and a criminal psychopath. You could say `we the people’ had almost resigned ourselves to that fate.

    After the miracle Trump win, what happened? Did `we the people’ become inspired and rejoin the political process as envisaged and allowed for in the Constitutional Republic? Or did `we the people’ watch Trump’s first term like a spectator sport at all times thinking someone will stop this coup madness before it goes too far? Now how do we feel? Does it seem unrealistic that we expected one man, a non politician, to fight the deep state, the lawless Democrat party, embedded Obama appointees, RINO’s and NeverTrumpers plus a politicized executive?

    I don’t know how this will all end up. I do know one thing, ` we the people’ ignored the sage words of our founders – A Republic if you can keep it, requires the active participation of `we the people’ in the party political process at our local or precinct level as an absolute minimum. How many MAGA are even members of the GOP? Some Trump supporters probably aren’t members of the GOP advocate starting a new party. Why? The mechanism and process is already in place to regain control of the GOP. States mandate under their Constitutions that `we the people’ have standing and MUST be allowed to vote on the party officials in our precinct, county and state.

    `we the people’ have become lazy and have an over reliance on having others fix problems. This time there is no alternative to taking individual action. Every MAGA patriot must join the GOP and get involved in their precinct politics OR become a precinct committeeman. The RINO’s must be swamped by patriots at all levels of the party. They must be put on notice and then removed at the earliest opportunity. This is much simpler than it may seem. On average half the positions in the party are vacant.

    So while it was hard to fathom that Trump walked away from the vast powers of President, I had the lightbulb switch on. How on earth can he do that without the overwhelming support of his own party? Look at the GOP post election and on January 6th. Trump had lukewarm support at best and would be villified as a dictator and tyrant had he exercized those powers. No this requires `we the people’ to step up and become active politically. `We the people’ must overwhelmingly swamp the GOP to the point that at minimum we have forced audits in every state the GOP can do so. Plus take over the official positions such that any RINO or neverTrump or anti MAGA is removed.This is why. It’s time for the people to act, not with violence but using the mechanisms the Constitutional Republic gave us to do so.

  6. […] both granular detail and in a more layman approach, while also further pinning culpability specifically on the Wuhan […]

  7. […] the established generational (contemporaneously, we like to begin the discussion around WWII) and overarching political continuum; and as bound by money and executed in private equity while exploiting the public-private […]

  8. […] 21 May 21, I said this: “New cases” bridged the pandemic from 2020 to 2021 just like I have identified and previously […]

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