26 Jul 22

Around this time two years ago and perhaps even going a few more months back into 2020 when the COVID-19 “pandemic” was kicking into overdrive, Americans had a choice to make. It was to march along to the orders of a federal government hijacked by China et al, as enforced by the states and as propagated by the MSM -or- it was to think independently and critically to ascertain the truth about a fraudulent construct being portrayed as a “pandemic” and therefore be positioned to unite and fight for the truth, the country and each other.

It’s important to note that all of the work and evidence assembled at Moonshine is open-source and available to anyone.

The evidence now that COVID-19 is a construct of enterprise fraud is deep and wide for those willing to consume and accept it. I began reporting on the enterprise fraud angles in early January 2020 and simply because the whole situation manifested oddly and counterintuitively such that it just didn’t sit well with me.

To a large degree, it was the front-end stand-down [no travel restrictions, no masks, no worry, etc.] followed by flip-flopping on all of those same matters that was really problematic. For me, it evidenced an agenda. So I dug and that’s when I began to uncover the fraud angles and started reporting on them. All of that work and in some exclusive ways now constitutes a 300+ article/video catalog of research, analysis, data and evidence on COVID-19 as a construct of enterprise fraud.

New developments have impacted the COVID-19/monkeypox/medical tyranny/global governance dynamic producing a miraculous opportunity for America to redeem itself with a second chance. The new developments are found in the WHO/Tedros declaration of a global PHEIC for monkeypox and the subsequent maneuvering by the Biden Administration to declare a public health emergency for monkeypox in the US. This is the exact projection we made in earlier work.

These matters are further compounded by Biden’s promise of a second pandemic and mask mandates being re-instituted all across the country in the same old places like school districts, public buildings and entire cities.

The new developments were covered in these articles:

  1. PATTERN RECOGNITION: Monkeypox, Midterms and More Enterprise Fraud, Tedros/WHO Declares Public Health Emergency of International Concern
  2. These People Play Inside of a Box: Biden Administration Maneuvering to Declare Public Health Emergency Over Monkeypox With 2022 Midterms as Likely Target

Let’s get straight to brass tacks, shall we? You’re getting a second chance with the fake pandemic, America. Don’t screw it up this time.

So what needs to happen? Easy:

  1. No compliance with any of it – NOTHING. Masks, injections, quarantine, distancing, etc. – don’t participate in any of it. Be a bull in a china shop [pun intended] at all times. Be a thoughtful and kind bull but a bull nonetheless.
  2. Kindly challenge those who do comply. Encourage these folks to live freely without worry and teach them why they should. Find clever ways to engage with strangers.
  3. Spread the truth. Accumulate your reliable sources of good research, analysis, evidence and reporting and spread it like wildfire.
  4. Fight a virus like a virus.
  5. Never bend a knee to any of it.

Realize that to varying degrees and sparing mostly no one, this will result in short-term inconvenience, pain, difficulty and loss. It shall be rewarded on the other side with dignity, liberty, freedom and independence.

I’m a 70s kid; almost a 60s kid, and I remember the Nancy Reagan “Just Say No” campaign like it was yesterday. That’s all we have to do, America. We just have to say no.

Say no to medical tyranny. Say no to the transition to Marxist communism. Say no to the foregoing of traditional America and her national sovereignty to global governance. Say no to the sown division that is ripping us apart and seek to unite in truth and purpose. Say no to tyrants. Say no to all of it.

Everyone can do it; especially the kids. Educate them with the truth to empower them to be warriors of it. Empower them to be warriors of independence, freedom and liberty.

Consider this question this question relative to what I just stated knowing that it’s an example I used early in COVID and repeat often: What happens if during requirements for masks and perhaps even injections, all parents dropped-off all kids at school every single day; and that’s assuming they couldn’t get on a bus without a mask and therefore require a ride?

Would there have been a pandemic?

You get what you tolerate and the American people tolerated tyranny being shoved down their throats via enterprise fraud.

Power and authority isn’t taken rather it’s given. Saying no this time is taking it back.

Had Americans initially responded to COVID-19 in ways similar to what is suggested, there would not have been a “pandemic”.

All of the evidence aligns with the unfolding of a second fraudulent pandemic scheduled to arrive just in time for the midterms. The front-runner for the viral plug-n-play component of the construct is currently monkeypox; however others like Marburg virus, Ebola and more are on reserve; not to mention that we still have roughly 40,000 SARS-CoV-2 variants still to get through.

It all amounts to an opportunity for America to redeem itself from the ashes of victimization, acknowledge the errors in its ways respective to COVID-19 and resolutely and simply say no to the second and promised pandemic that is right around the corner.

So, America, you get a second chance. For the sake of all that is free, good and right and for the posterity of the nation, please don’t screw it up this time.

Just say no, America. Even the kids can do it.

Just say no.


4 responses to “Hey America, You’re Actually Getting a Second Chance, Don’t Screw It up This Time”

  1. Exactly! Now we will see just how many people were opposed to the bullshit all along but didn’t speak up.

  2. jpmaxwell – JP Maxwell is an investigative researcher, writer, film producer, and geopolitical analyst who is strictly pro bono publico.

    My hope is you’re being surreptitiously sarcastic here. We both are old enough to know while Nancy was clamoring about “Just Saying No,” her husband Ronnie and cohorts Ollie and Slick Willie were bringing these same drugs into Mena, Arkansas at breakneck speed care of the CIA. The rabble can keep awakening, but until special operators start taking out selective high-level targets in the ‘swamp’, the American populace will remain docile and ambivalent. Voting in the “right” candidates in an exercise in futility. The conservatives are, sadly, the easiest to mislead. They are going to put their hope in Trump once more only to see their aspirations, again, deflated by an egomaniacal actor fully compromised by the CIA, in other words, “controlled opposition.” The last American President to stand up to the ‘Deep State’ and threaten to dismantle it piece by piece was assassinated in front of America on a sunny fall day in Dallas, Texas over 60 years ago. Is the MAGA crowd this naïve as to think DJT has a chance? Really?

  3. […] This second chance is represented by Proxy Joe Biden’s recent promise of a second pandemic as previously reported. For now, it appears that monkeypox is the construct’s plug-n-play virus and it’s right on time for the 2022 midterms; just as projected. I wrote about this second chance and these details recently: Hey America, You’re Actually Getting a Second Chance, Don’t Screw It up This Time. […]

  4. Please share and get involved. A peaceful global revolution, against the globalist “Great Reset” must take place if we are to retain our inalienable rights. This will be the first Global Revolution, in human history, and it is already well underway. You can simply read the essay or access all the article/video links. Either way my mission is to inform my readers with the most relevant information. I just added a link to the top of the essay today (08/01/2022) encouraging you to join the mailing list of “Reignite Freedom:” a group organizing Anti-Globalist Protests this fall. Please consider joining.

    The Great Awakening: The emerging Global Anti-Globalist Revolution of 2022
    How the people of planet Earth will stop the Globalist “Great Reset”

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