From the tranche of Fauci emails delivered by a FOIA request, which are being presented and hashed-out by many writ large, we’ll narrow our focus to several important ones that bear down with impact. They are presented chronologically; labeled by date, sender and recipient; and include relevant commentary for meaning. One exception is the last email presented, which occurs out of order and last to begin the summary.

Before we get into the emails, keep an eye out for the redaction codes following each redaction. Look for something like, “(b)(4).” We’ll wrap up with those for our walk-off homer.


Here is each email with relevant commentary.

31 Jan 20 / To: Anthony Fauci / From: Kristian Anderson

This email represents an early indication that Fauci was knowledgeable of the bio-engineering and bio-weaponization aspects of SARS-CoV-2, which have underpinned our position for well over a year.

Any epidemiologist or virologist worth his salt and especially one who sits atop the U.S. bureaucracy as the federal government’s highest paid employee, would view this through the lenses of duty and onus. In his position, Fauci bears an onus to execute his duties to establish all plausible vectors relative to the genesis of SARS-CoV-2, investigate each one thoroughly, comprehensively and fully, and then disseminate all of that information to all of the requisite and necessary parties. This would include a version appropriate for public consumption and in all versions, fulsome and factual discourse should prevail and with absolute transparency.

That doesn’t work for someone running point on the epidemiological side of this construct. It also explains exactly why I wrote a massive piece outlining how this Fauci cartel was Dangerously Changing Inconvenient Rules.

That caught the attention of a U.S. federal whistleblower who formerly and directly engaged in bio-engineering (bio-weaponizing?) for the U.S. It also caught the eye of the attorney with whom he was working – the nation’s foremost defamation litigator Lin Wood.

What did Fauci do, though? He kept his nose down, toed the China/CCP/Deep State line and carried on with marching orders.

Here’s brief contextual backdrop to talk about timing. I’ve been working on COVID since seeing the news of the initial outbreak occur in real time on 27 Dec 19. That outbreak was later revised backwards to 17 Nov 19 and whereby the FBI was detailing the release of a bio-WMD (SARS-CoV-2) in China in October 2019. I also confirmed independently with an epidemiologist that the evidence directly in hand demonstrates SARS-CoV-2 being stateside in October 2019 despite the first U.S. case being reported 20 Jan 20.

In all of that and drawing back to October 2019, the FBI ignored its own self-imposed directive to advise then President Trump’s Department of Defense of the outbreak, which is directly tied to a wide swath of highly sensitive and consequential national security considerations.

Considerations like overthrown presidencies and an overthrown and occupied U.S. government thanks to an installed Biden Chinese proxy?

Let us not forget that Nancy Pelosi, who is an ex officio member of the HPSCI as per her status as Speaker of the House, was privy to all of this intelligence and what was she doing at that time?

Pelosi was driving a fraudulent impeachment 1.0 as a deliberate and intentional deflection mechanism to usher-in the construct devised to deliver pay dirt and with finality. You know it as COVID-19.

Pelosi insisted on impeaching Trump before Christmas despite having no case and cooked-up “evidence,” that occurred 18 Dec 19 and the outbreak was then first reported 27 Dec 19.

After Pelosi’s incompetent rush to get the Articles of Impeachment drafted, she then inexplicably slammed on the brakes and refused to transmit them to the Senate, which prevented (delayed) the start of the impeachment trial.

Why did Pelosi do that? Why was she doing it a the precise time that she and the Democrats were howling about the need for a robust national expansion in testing, which then delivered the PCR test, which then leveraged deliberately high cycle thresholds, which became the data driving mechanism for the entire pandemic, which was resting on a foundation of fraudulently harvested and propagated infection and mortality data from an average of 4.0 underlying co-morbidities. Why and why then?

Important here is this – as far as I know, I’m the only one to think to ask this question and provide the right answer to it.

It’s a simple as this – do you think her inexplicable delay was an accident? No. Pelosi was merely tapping the brakes to bring paralleling constructs into alignment for timing on the same continuum. It’s like slowing down next to a buddy’s rig on a 2-lane highway so you throw him a cold “roadie” through the window.

So, over month into the “pandemic” and right before the Senate trial acquittal in President Trump’s impeachment, Fauci was contradicting all conventions in his field as the balance unfolded. After all, that is his job (for them.)

Trump was acquitted on the date of our next email on 05 Feb 20.

05 Feb 20 / To: Sylvia Burwell / From: Anthony Fauci

Everyone is aware of the mask mandate being completely antithetical to the preexisting and conventionally accepted history. Moreover, there is no replicable and peer-reviewed science supporting any such mask mandate.

In light of Fauci’s recommendation to not wear a mask, he can be held in only two specific regards and there are no other acceptable ways according to evidence: 1) Fauci was providing the accurate and conventionally acceptable information with fidelity -or- 2) Fauci was adhering to the construct’s directive of deliberately driving-up the transmission rate for SARS-CoV-2 to serve the front end of the pandemic construct; just like the governors’ decision to wittingly and deliberately place ill patients in nursing homes.

It’s nice that he also plugged his vaccine to her. What a guy.

15 Mar 20 / To: Anthony Fauci / From: Mark Zuckerberg

Quite simply and building on the millions that Zuckerberg poured into electoral politics for 2020, we have confirmation of the three components President Trump always cites and which I revisit often: BIG MONEY, BIG MEDIA and BIG TECH.

When people and entities overlap in multiple domains like locations, times, contexts, etc., it’s indicative of plausible fraud, complicity, criminality, etc.; dependent upon the facts. This is why so much of my analytical work is rooted in overlays.

This emails serves-up overlaps in our broader premise and provides tangible evidence where we see these components overlapping for Zuckerberg in the election, COVID-19 and censorship, etc.; and in full thrust of the Deep State’s well known and demonstrable agenda.

There is no other logical explanation for Zuckerberg than his full complicity along this broader continuum.

16 Mar 20 / To: Anthony Fauci / From: Courtney Billet (2nd)

17 Mar 20 / To: Courtney Billet / From: Anthony Fauci (1st)

These emails demonstrate a broader effort in the partnership between Fauci and Facebook/Zuckerberg and show confirmation of Fauci’s intent and will to engage with Facebook.

17 Mar 20 / To: Mark Zuckerberg / From: Anthony Fauci

Further evidence of a deeper and more entangled conspiratorial relationship between Fauci and Zuckerberg/Facebook relative to COVID-19 and influencing public thought and opinion; especially in ways antithetical to existing and accepted science or in ways considered propagandized.

18 Apr 20 / To: Anthony Fauci / From: Peter Daszak

This email is significant for a spectrum of critical reasons:

  • Fauci and another are represented as conspiring to deliver a known fraudulent narrative via the MSM
  • This overlaps the precise mid-April 2020 shift when the CDC/WHO cohort moved the conventionally accepted pandemic measurement – mortality data – which was in decline at that time, to infection data, or “new case data” and so as to drag the pandemic through the seasonal die-off of the co-morbidities being statistically leveraged and right back to peak-flu of 2020-2021, which the CDC begins every December 1st
  • Fauci is shown crafting the narrative to comport with the forthcoming anticipated explosion of cases as constructively delivered by deliberately faulty PCR testing that the Democrats began calling for dating back to January 2020
  • It is relative to the legendary April 2020 news conference that I mention often and for which it seems most people missed the most important angle whereby President Trump dragged Fauci back to the podium and forced him to correct his own record and in so doing, Trump compartmentalized all of the COVID-19 matter entirely within the Fauci/Pence cohort (pandemic response team), which effectively usurped the President’s emergency powers with the 11 Mar 20 declaration of a national emergency.

11 Mar 20 / To: Anthony Fauci / From: Adam Gaertner

Note the date of this email. Re-read the last sentence in the previous entry and note that date. Now take note of the context of the email.

None of the emails have as much impact as this one. Setting aside some of the granular details and focusing on why Fauci would move forward with the declaration of a national emergency knowing the full scope of the impact and specific governmental consequences, it seems there’s no good answer beyond the deliberate, intentional, purposeful, constructive and treasonous usurpation.

The best evidence of that is what it delivered: a wrecked economy, a wrecked society, an overthrown president, an overthrown U.S. government and the installation of a Chinese proxy in Joe Biden.

Fauci did that because it was his job. The redaction codes will offer more evidence of this.


Here are the redaction codes in the order in which they appear along with their corresponding translations:

31 Jan 20 / To: Anthony Fauci / From: Kristian Anderson

(b)(6) – Reveal information, including foreign government information, that would cause serious harm to relations between the United States and a foreign government, or to ongoing diplomatic activities of the United States

15 Mar 20 / To: Anthony Fauci / From: Mark Zuckerberg

(b)(6) – Reveal information, including foreign government information, that would cause serious harm to relations between the United States and a foreign government, or to ongoing diplomatic activities of the United States

(b)(4) – Reveal information that would impair the application of state-of-the-art technology within a U.S. weapon system

16 Mar 20 / To: Anthony Fauci / From: Courtney Billet (2nd)

(b)(6) – Reveal information, including foreign government information, that would cause serious harm to relations between the United States and a foreign government, or to ongoing diplomatic activities of the United States

(b)(4) – Reveal information that would impair the application of state-of-the-art technology within a U.S. weapon system

17 Mar 20 / To: Mark Zuckerberg / From: Anthony Fauci

(b)(6) – Reveal information, including foreign government information, that would cause serious harm to relations between the United States and a foreign government, or to ongoing diplomatic activities of the United States

(b)(4) – Reveal information that would impair the application of state-of-the-art technology within a U.S. weapon system

18 Apr 20 / To: Anthony Fauci / From: Peter Daszak

(b)(6) – Reveal information, including foreign government information, that would cause serious harm to relations between the United States and a foreign government, or to ongoing diplomatic activities of the United States

(b)(4) – Reveal information that would impair the application of state-of-the-art technology within a U.S. weapon system

(b)(7)(A) Reveal information that would impair the current ability of United States Government officials to protect the President, Vice President, and other protectees for whom protection services, in the interest of the national security, are authorized

11 Mar 20 / To: Anthony Fauci / From: Adam Gaertner

(b)(6) – Reveal information, including foreign government information, that would cause serious harm to relations between the United States and a foreign government, or to ongoing diplomatic activities of the United States

In succinct summary, I’ve put down volumes of research, analysis and evidence in support of the position that we are in the midst of an asymmetrical and undeclared third world war that began when China/CCP/PLA released a bio-WMD against the U.S. and the world altogether and in all of that, Fauci is running point on the epidemiological side of the construct in the U.S. Now, go back up through the redaction codes and contrast this position with the vernacular and terms applied.

No leap is required. It’s a direct bridge. All that’s left is having the gumption to drop safeguards against ones own conventions and right alongside the will to walk across it for full understanding.


18 responses to “The Fall of #FalseFlagFauci”

  1. Time to bring public hangings back to the town square.

    1. If Fauci is “fired” you’ll know the fix is in. This man(?)and his cohort$ should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, stripped of all assets and spend the rest of their lives in GITMO. Nothing less will address the damage they have done to worldwide humanity.

      1. cazzograndissimo, you have a real valid point there, and I fully agree, Yes, if Faustus is “fired”, we’ll know the fix is in. Faustus and his cohorts should all be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, stripped of all assets and spend the rest of their lives in GITMO .. Nothing less will address the serious damage they’ve done to worldwide humanity.

  2. For the email between Fauci and Daszak on 4/18/20, (B)(7)(a) I believe the National Archives are the incorrect codes for these redactions. Please see: “(b)(7) records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or information ( A ) could be reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings”.

  3. You do such terrific work. Please correct your inexplicably wrong timeline on Soleimani. He was put down on January 3, 2020, to neutralize the Iran/Democrat plot to seize American Embassy personnel in Iraq, in a pitch perfect replay of the Iranian Hostage crisis that sunk Carter’s reelection in 1980.

    This likely drove Pelosi’s delay of transmittal of impeachment to the Senate for trial.

  4. While I don’t want to downplay the dark roles of Fauci, Zuckerberg and the others implicated in these emails, I do think its important to keep in mind that the end game is not a supposed attack on the US by the Chinese. That’s merely one of many distractions being thrown up to keep us looking at the left hand while the right hand completes the magic trick… the eugenics program being imposed with the “vaccines” (in reality – gene therapy). The jabs have now killed far more than even the most outrageous estimates of covid death. Gotta keep our eyes on the prize – freedom!

  5. On July 2nd, 2019, a mysterious respiratory epidemic struck Greenspring Senior Living community, located in Springfield, Virginia, which is only 50 miles from Fort Detrick. Virginia reported an unusual increase in respiratory illnesses located in 16 geographic clusters that lasted, at least, until December 2019 – assisted living and long term care hit hardest. On July 26th, 24 days after the Springfield outbreak, another mysterious respiratory syndrome, quickly attributed to vaping, emerged in Illinois and Wisconsin…the vaping mystery syndrome spreads to multiple states.
    Then military goes to Wuhan Military Games…

    What ever happened to the vaping syndrome?

  6. […] The Fall of #FalseFlagFauci – Selected Emails and Redaction Codes […]

  7. 100% Spot on , Why havnt fauci , Gates , George Soros , Mainstream media, Pharmaceutical , Many members of Governments from all over the , Been arrested, ALL of these systems have been compromised, Corrupted and no longer serve the people. What an absolute,disgrace and insult to all hard-working citizens of the World. This is a Declaration of War against honest citizens worldwide and must be put to end immediately,


      The judiciary and entire bar system is corrupt.

  8. Public hangings at that for the world to see

  9. […] but another article details the free fall of #FalseFlagFauci and hashes-out the recently released tranche of Fauci emails. It contains this email below and the subsequent remarks about it relative to Fauci; Peter Daszak, […]

  10. […] Narrative02 Jun 21: COVID Carve-out II – The Long Knives Are Out for #FalseFlagFauci03 Jun 21: The Fall of #FalseFlagFauci06 Jun 21: Fauci’s Free Fall, Fort Dietrick Focus and Full Conspiracy to Commit Fraud09 Jun 21: […]

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