20 JUL 20 (FORTY-SECOND article in a series)

It’s been over a month since the last article and although that was by design and with a more concentrated effort to deliver information piecemeal on Twitter, none of us (our team extended) expected to be where we currently find ourselves. And where is that? Wondering what in the hell happened to #Obamagate while asking ourselves why we’re in the midst of manufactured riots and a new engineered race war. I wonder if it has anything to do with the Democrats being in league with the CCP and not having a viable message, platform, campaign or candidate? Pro-tip – it has everything to do with all of that.

The Mason Jar
</> Update on Flynn case and explanations for its timeline and Sullivan’s corruption.
</> Update on #Obama gate, why it dissipated and its now apparent return
</> Loose projection on the immediate timeline for traction
</> New filing in Flynn case
</> Hit attempted on newly appointed Epstein/Deutsche Bank case

With this series of articles now at forty and growing, I have to leave it to new readers to catch-up mostly on their own. The subject matter here is just too deep, entangled and encompassing to recapitulate it with each new article.

If you are new please consider seeing HOUSEKEEPING ITEMS at the bottom: hypothesis, team update, disclaimers, graphics and timeline. NEW: UNDERLYING POSITIONS (important contextual backdrop for full understanding)

*The graphics are very helpful in consuming large quantities of information succinctly.

The Speed of Change and the Impact It Has

I drafted this article Saturday afternoon looking to put-on finishing touches and publish by late Saturday or Sunday. Here we are Monday morning and since the draft, much has occurred. For one, a new filing has been made in the Flynn case and for another, what is reasonably thought to have been a professional hit has occurred targeting federal Judge Esther Salas, who was just appointed to the Epstein/Deutsche Bank case two days before. Tragically, it resulted in the wounding of the judge’s husband, Mark Anderl, and the killing the couple’s 20-year-old son, Daniel Anderl.

Standing firm on our assertions that Flynn, Russia, Mueller, Ukraine, impeachment, COVID-19 (I’ve rebranded it FAUXVID-19), the race riots and a newly engineered race war all rest on the same generational political continuum; including 9/11 as a sequential step, we’ve now reached the point of diminishing returns germane to waiting and allowing the Left, Democrats, compromised Republicans and others to continue exposing themselves for whom they are. As it relates to the laundry list above, I believe America has the picture.

As blue state local authorities, mayors and governors stand-down in the spirit of federalism to allow anarchy and terror, respectfully, President Trump cannot return serve in the same vein. His modus operandi has been to invite his enemies into their own construct only to close-off all exits except the fatal path forward. Until now, this strategy has worked brilliantly and they’ve fallen for it over and over and over again.

This is different and it alters the landscape dramatically for Mr. Trump. The bottom line is that any expectation of due process, enforcement of the rule of law, etc. cannon mutually coexist with pros being contracted to eliminate the very judges responsible for adjudicating such matters. Why? I hope it’s obvious because it was a two-fold objective at the least – eliminating one judge (attempted but with casualties to the family) while sending a clear message to any other judge who may be assigned to that case.

So, we’re done here, Mr. President. It’s time to pull the entire rug from under their feet, hold folks facing exposure to severe legal jeopardy fully accountable by the rule of law, shine the light of truth on FAUXVID-19 and begin reverting the nation to normalcy.

Flynn Still First

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and his case remain the primary barometer for all things. Our position was to wait to until after the next Flynn hearing to write the next article. Corrupt and compromised Judge Emmet Sullivan; however, destroyed the timeline and issued a stay that scheduled the hearing for 16 Jul. Subsequently, Judge Sullivan got a less than desirable appellate ruling and he responded to that with a request for an en banc review, which is a review by the full appellate court rather than a panel of judges, to probe the DOJ’s decision to request a rule 48 dismissal and drop the case.

In all of this, it is absolutely imperative to grasp the contextual backdrop in order to fully comprehend what has happened to Flynn and why his case remains deliberately mired in litigation. Understand that everything after the request for a rule 48 dismissal is extra-judicial, extra-constitutional, unconstitutional and a deliberate plan formulated and driven by the Lawfare Group, former Obama AG Eric Holder and his law firm, Covington & Burling LLP. Million dollar question – Prior to Flynn bringing Sydney Powell on board as defense counsel, what firm was representing him? Covington & Burling LLP. The swamp is deep and the quarters are tight.

Here’s the contextual backdrop that’s so critical. In the entire history of the United States and its system of justice, there has been only one case where the presiding judge has refused to grant a rule 48 dismissal request from prosecution (the federal government/DOJ) in similar circumstances. Here’s the second million dollar question – Who was the judge and what was the case. Judge Emmet Sullivan and the case against Flynn.

This extraordinary and precedent-setting ruling was justified by Sullivan’s intent to seek a third-party ‘friend of the court’ to inform him of his scope of authority for ruling on the dismissal. The ruling for amicus curiae subsequently forced Powell to exercise another extraordinary measure hardly ever undertaken – a writ of mandamus that would compel Sullivan to grant the dismissal.

As noted, the three-judge panel in the appellate court ruled 2-1 in Flynn’s favor and thereafter, Sullivan ordered a stay for the hearing that was scheduled for 16 Jul. Now you now why we were waiting. No other judge in history had refused to grant a rule 48 dismissal – EVER – and insisted on continuing with a case thus forcing the prosecution to carry-on when the prosecution (government) insists on dropping it. Feel the gravity yet? You should. It’s like that of a black hole and coincidentally, the scheme would work just like one (vacuuming up evidence and sealing it away forever.)

Conventional thought dictates that Sullivan had expended all of the arrows from his quiver. Ergo, it was a foregone conclusion that Sullivan would grant the dismissal at the 16 Jul hearing.

That was not to be the case, though. No one saw the first refusal and no one saw this one either. I even reached-out to a trusted and reliable source who is an insider with lines to the Trump administration. No one expected the degree to which Sullivan was compromised and corrupt and that position, as best we can tell, goes all the way to the top (Mr. Trump.) Therein, you have your explanation on the disrupted timeline and the answer to the disappearance of #Obamagate.

So what was Sullivan’s last maneuver? He requested the aforementioned en banc review of the full appellate court. Hear me loudly and clearly – Sullivan’s actions represent the most egregious and severe divergence from regular order, the rule of law, due process and equality under the law in the history of adjudicating cases in the United States. What has occurred has never occurred before and must never occur ever again. The net result is that we currently reside on a disrupted and indefinite timeline.

As Flynn’s case goes, so goes the country. The Flynn case must be reconciled and he must be reattached to the administration for 2020. The adjudication of it must be now; otherwise Sullivan wins because he’s controlling the timeline as intended.

There is a reason Flynn was targeted with an active and open FISA warrant upon entering the Trump administration. In other words, Obama sent the Flynn kid to school sick so he could contact everyone else sick (important to understand how FISA warrants overlap and envelop third parties) and get them “sick,” too. Obama et al. made Flynn their highest priority and there is a reason he represented the most clear and present danger to their treasonous efforts. There is a reason they immediately cleaved Flynn away from Trump and the federal apparatus (cabinet, military, and justice system.) Simply, Flynn knows where all the dead bodies are buried; literally and figuratively. There is a reason he is being prevented from reattaching to Trump before an election they intend to steal. There is a reason it’s Flynn first and will remain that way until reconciled.

Today’s story at Fox News (extracts below) reflects on much of what I’ve already outlined here and in previous articles.

Again, the degree to which former President Obama must have compromising material on corrupt Judge Emmet Sullivan must be extremely heavy. Otherwise, a seasoned and veteran judge such as Sullivan would never venture down this path. A first year law student wouldn’t venture down this path. NO ONE EVER HAS AND FOR GOOD REASON.


Now that you understand the importance of Flynn and feel the gravity of his case, let’s return to #Obama gate. In that vein, I have a question. How can America; especially since the previous administration saw the nation’s first black president in Barack Obama, be systemically racist? And he was elected for two terms!

How do you go from electing and then re-electing a black president to being a racist nation? Do people not understand basic math because it doesn’t get any more elementary than this? 328 million people reside in America, 60% are white, 18% are Hispanic and 13% are black; meaning that white people elected a black president for two terms.

Yet somehow we live in a systemically racist country whereby compromised local and state authorities stand-down in conjunction with a politically correct and politically selective virus; and a net effect of permitting crime, arson, terror and murder to protest that so-called racism. That’s all the while you can’t go to or even sing (in CA) in church? Or go to school? Or work? Or out to eat? Or, just be a regular person in a regular world? You are permitted; however, to enjoy the services of large corporate retailers.

It’s all complete, total and utter bullshit, friends. Period.

BLM is a Marxist, communist organization that trends every four years (election year) and the racial component is being co-opted and leveraged against us to remove this administration – and those are the words of BLM’s own leaders paraphrased (readily available clips on SM.)

Moreover, Obama was reelected after a disastrous first term where he possessed the Executive and both chambers of Congress; ergo he could have passed any bill he cared to: police reform, immigration, civil rights/reparations, etc. What did he do instead? Nothing; apparently saving it all for this moment knowing it would be more politically valuable for him in his current vantage point as he operates out of his walled estate basement just down the street from the White House. Obama never left. He never surrendered aspects of his power. He is the point man and he will face treason charges.

Let’s draw back on the events and span that became totally disruptive to the anticipated timeline. Given everything outlined above and moving into May, expectations were predicated on the predicted (by @EntheosShines on Twitter and it occurred on this very day) 07 May 20 exoneration of Lt. Gen. Flynn. Subsequent to that and in the same time frame, #Obamagate began to trend hard on social media; making its way into the MSM in a broader capacity and being indicative of immediate and forthcoming traction. This aligned with a prediction we made independently on Twitter regarding the same.

Subsequent to that came the questionable Chauvin/Floyd incident and on 29 May, the riots broke-out. It should be noted that our grasp of the COVID-19 matter was so thorough and on-point that we predicted these precise riots by three or so weeks. The net effect of the Chauvin/Floyd incident and the riots/race war achieved its objective – to preempt and prevent movement on Obama.

Note that since 29 May, the MSM narrative has been full-tilt pushing the manufactured riots and race war. Note that Sullivan’s request for en banc review in the Flynn case further drives the indeterminate timeline. Why? Look at Flynn for the model. They dragged his case-out for four years to drag it past the election, as stated. The riots and race war serve the same purpose (and several others of monumental importance.)

With no viable message, platform, campaign or candidate, their only strategy is to construct and manufacture events and narrative to create portals to attack Trump and mire his campaign in racially charged propaganda; the other portal being his willful decision to compromise public safety over a cooked-up and fraudulent pandemic. It’s all they have. If you’ll notice, their current strategy (campaign/MSM) looks exactly as described.

Looking Forward

Moves and countermoves – welcome to the swamp. Obama’s efforts to put Trump’s efforts into a tailspin were temporarily successful and left us all asking questions. I think we’re currently sitting in a small bubble of time between Obama’s last move to pre-empt #Obamagate and Trump’s next countermove. I would suggest that Trump’s countermoves are already underway and we’re seeing the pretext of that already; especially in light of the new Flynn development coupled with suggestions from QAnon that Flynn may be tabbed as the replacement for FBI Director Christopher Wray, who is thought to be a sleeper antithetical to the administration’s interests (his record of actions and decisions relative to the Trump administration would suggest this.)

For one, over a week ago I got a tip from from a trusted and reliable source indicating imminent traction on former Obama CIA Director John O. Brennan. The last time I interacted with this source in a similar fashion, I posted on Twitter stating that traction on Jeffrey Epstein matters was imminent. About a week later, Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested. Keep your eye on Brennan – I may have the timing wrong, but he’s worth tracking. Here’s a thread to assist:

Here’s another nugget that confirms my suspicions and although Obama’s preemptive efforts were temporarily successful, I believe that momentum has changed. Dominoes would likely fall in the order of Brennan dropping first. Nonetheless, is Dan Bongino working to deliberately reignite #Qbamagate?


The volume and rate of incoming information is again difficult and cumbersome to manage so please consider using Twitter for timely updates. For now, we’ll leave it here – being in the small bubble of time in between moves and countermoves and with the expectation traction is near; especially since the President’s enemies are now seemingly dispatching hit squads to eliminate judges and send messages.

For the country’s sake (and for our collective sanity’s sake), let’s hope that traction is near immediate.

Update On Judge Salas Incident

Bonus: The Next One?


Contents: Underlying Positions, Hypothesis, Team Update, Disclaimer, QAnon disclaimer, Timeline, Graphics

*Please find related graphics and images and the timeline at the bottom.

*If you are brand new, there are two recommendations as to where to begin catching-up and they are posted at the very bottom – one shorter than the other.

AN IMPORTANT NOTE ROOTED IN APPRECIATED READER FEEDBACK: Please consider that the Making the Case for Treason sub-series is deliberately much more granular and comprehensive and therefore more burdensome to consume. It is NOT presented for fast uptake like a Twitter thread. That would be grossly irresponsible and entirely inappropriate and inadequate given the implications, consequences and ramifications of what we are asserting herein. That said and for full understanding, these articles are recommended to be consumed old-school style: sitting down, uninterrupted, start to finish and repeated until understood.

By design, this isn’t causal reading. My prior experience as an investigator and history teacher drive the approach and it is one rooted in preparing summary findings reports detailing investigations used to prosecute, arbitrate, settle, dispute, litigate, etc. The work is comprehensive and the details are granular and that’s exactly how it should be – we’re MAKING the case, which rests between talking about it and prosecuting it. Generally, it’s a demonstration of why it should be prosecuted.

All said, if you care to understand HOW and WHY the entire nation was sold-out in the worst way, those details must be fully examined to be fully understood.

Underlying Positions

  1. The ENTIRETY of the COVID-19 pandemic functions on a broader timetable dating back years and converges contemporaneously with Flynn, Russia, Mueller, Ukraine and impeachment, whereby all of the latter are sub-components serving the former, which it itself is a sub-component to a broader plan by decades.
  2. The criminality and corruption we’re seeing isn’t new – it’s decades-old planning that’s coming to manifest now and extends from the same power bases as the 9/11 false flag political construct and other events.
  3. Obama’s criminality dates back to the beginning of his first term when he entered office assigned with an agenda to map his counterinsurgency doctrine over the US to infiltrate all three levels of government: local, state and federal.
  4. Obama has been and continues to run point for a broader Globalist operation deeply entangled with the Clintons, Soros, Gates and a host of others.
  5. Everything unfolding from the President’s administration is the execution of a contingency plan that is calibrated to the 2020 election cycle. That election cycle becomes the immediate primary timeline over which all others are laid. We establish this because everything before and after it rests on the crux of 03 Nov 20 – election day. The other drivers here are the timeline underpinning Obama’s exit from office and its deserved severe scrutiny specific the events occurring late Dec to mid-Jan 2017.
  6. Everything we are seeing play-out as responsive from the Trump administration to COVID-19 is not a reaction by any means. Rather it’s reflective of steps within a pre-constructed contingency plan that was based and devised from intelligence indicating that this unavoidable (POTUS has little control over what bad actors do within the borders of it chief military, economic and diplomatic rival in China) false flag political construct was imminent. With adaptations for real world and real time considerations, President Trump is currently executing that plan, not responding to a fake pandemic. Understand that these two things exist in different universes.
  7. Observe the messaging and social programming (a very real thing!) – who wears masks and when do they wear them? Fauci and Birx, the true usurpers of the President’s emergency powers, wear them while the President’s people do not. Pay attention to other subtle cues – the messaging is evident. Observes the sights and sounds emanating from TV. Notice how the formula is all the same – pulling on emotional heart strings to elicit a dopamine drop to trigger brain chemistry and set to the same jingly, emotion-invoking music that parallels the sights and sounds of casino brain science. The same brain science that is being leveraged against the American people to literally brainwash them into believing that the only way to stay safe is to hunker down at home; out of fear and unable to humanely connect with other humans. In other words, it’s social programming to accept your digitally (and legally) enforced slavery. Wake-up and resist.
  8. President Trump wagging Fauci in front of the cameras weeks ago to force him to correct the record and own that every time he and Birx asked for anything, the President gave it to them the first time every time. HARDLY ANYONE TALKS ABOUT THIS. He’s making them own their usurpation of emergency powers on live TV. Now you know why Fauci and Birx often appear so uncomfortable and agitate when exposed to the right information. There will come a day people point specifically to that moment in time and for good cause.
  9. FLYNN FIRST! as covered comprehensively in the previous articles and manifesting currently with the constructive Lawfare Group/Judge Sullivan amicus curiae brief maneuver. Importantly, we content per work at CTH that was not unmasked but rather the subject of a FISA warrant before his attachment to the Trump administration. Flynn was the first prioritized target and as of this article, he remains not only that, but he’s locked, loaded and ready to fully reengage. The amicus stunt is the coup d’etat Hail Mary with likely other contingencies waiting when this fails as it ultimately will. Flynn’s deep and broad knowledge of the vast criminality at hand remains the most critical aspect and division point between the past and current administrations and Flynn as a man represents the entirety of their own undoing. FLYNN FIRST!


Hypothesis (developed over time with emerging research):
Our hypothesis asserts that this political construct was inserted into President Trump’s administration during compulsory Obama/Trump transition meetings on 13 Jan 17. That’s the same day the MSM decided to release the cooked-up Flynn/Russia story preemptively and with Flynn taking part in those meetings. Unsurprisingly, the immediate talking points from Obama administration officials and others in-the-know were about the disrupted, off-kilter, reluctant and awkward nature of the meeting. How convenient for them to build their future MSM talking points into the meeting by designing and timing those dynamics. Since the insertion point, a mountain of correlated and interconnected evidence further propels this hypothesis as represented in this growing catalog of article.

28 Mar 20 Update/Team: What used to be a looser conversational group has grown and, over the course of this pandemic, has become a small team of folks working together most of the day every day. Much of what I’m writing recently is a product of that collective work and/or my own opinion as influenced by that group. This team receives quite a bit of valuable information from the folks who read our articles and accordingly, we (I) give a special heartfelt hat tip to @Shazlandia, whom keeps me on my toes at all times; often inconveniencing herself to do it.

DisclaimerThis has now grown into a sizable series of articles on the COVID-19 coronavirus. Understand that all of this began simply with some curiosity about whom may stand to gain or benefit with the discovery of a promising treatment identified as Remesdivir – no more and no less; it’s that simple.

QAnon Disclaimer: I give much time to QAnon and for this simple reason – no matter if you believe QAnon to be absolutely real or absolutely fake, QAnon has consistently remained in front of the news cycle; with great accuracy, over time and while the MSM and other “news” outlets have consistently gotten it wrong for that same time. Yes, you have to dig to get the information but the doormats are conveniently placed in front of you if you care to enter. I care to enter.

A Word on Intent: There was never an intent to write a single article; much less a series of them. The rabbit hole into which I placed myself diverged many times over transitioning into a mess of global entanglements that converted this work from an exploratory exercise to one hunting for evidence to scaffold an hypothesis. The content, therefore, is affected and takes a different tone and direction. For deeper understanding, here is the CATALOG of all articles in this series.

Where to Start Catching-up: I have two shortcuts for new readers looking to catch-up and avoid reading from article one. The ninth article – IS COVID-19 A GLOBAL 9/11? EVIDENCE CAN BE ARRANGED TO SUGGEST A FALSE FLAG CONSTRUCT AND HERE’S HOW – served as a recapitulation as of 14 Mar 20. Alternatively, you could take a bigger shortcut and pick-up with CAUSE OF DEATH FOR SALE posted 12 Apr 20.







FIGURE 1: Underlying premise/manipulating infection data to drive false narrative
FIGURE 2: Elaboration on underlying premise in Fig. 1
FIGURE 3: Excerpts from relevant headlines in support of hypothesis and underlying premise
FIGURE 4: Analysis of article authored by Bill Gates on 28 Feb 20
FIGURE 5: “Fraud” begins to emerge in the subtext of the MSM relative to COVID-19
FIGURE 6: Graphic outlining suspicious deaths related to COVID-19
FIGURE 7: Curious word choice and messaging one month before presidential transition meetings on 13 Jan 17
FIGURE 8: Public Health Advisor (Quarantine Program) position posted with open dates of 15 Nov 19 – 05 May 20 (Note: 1st US: 20 Jan 20, initial/original Wuhan outbreak: 27 Dec 19 [revised back to 17 Nov 19], FBI knowledge of outbreak: October 2019)
FIGURE 9: Early NYC fatalities reflecting underlying conditions component
FIGURE 10: ‘Event 201’ information
FIGURE 11: Historically anomalous drop-off in pneumonia deaths 2019-2020
FIGURE 12: $171 million increase in funding form US to WHO on the established 2016-2017 timeline
FIGURE 13: Bill Gates purchased the CDC like he did the WHO – with funding
FIGURE 14: Image grab of the 13 Nov 19 FBI Tactical Intelligence Report/Bio-weapons & WMDD
FIGURE 15: Historic employment number eviscerated
FIGURE 16: Mortality and infection rates dependent upon age and underlying conditions
FIGURE 17: NYT’s reporting representative of false narrative propagating a fear message; data is mitigated exponentially by updated statistics and numbers
FIGURE 18: Dr. Stephen Smith’s data regarding underlying conditions
FIGURE 19: COVID-19 image presented by QAnon
FIGURE 20: NVSS memo shaping nationwide “liberal approach” (Birx) to diagnosis and cause of death declarations


Figures 21-26: Leaked slides from the pandemic scenario insertion on 13 Jan 17 during compulsory Obama/Trump transition meetings:

FIGURE 21: Pandemic Response Scenario
FIGURE 22: Pandemic Response Scenario
FIGURE 23: Pandemic Response Scenario
FIGURE 24: Pandemic Response Scenario
FIGURE 25: Pandemic Response Scenario
FIGURE 26: Pandemic Response Scenario
FIGURE 27: Pandemic Response Scenario
FIGURE 28: “This is Bill Gates”
FIGURE 29: Image Catherine Herridge/Techno Fog Steele dossier FBI sub-source verified dossier as disinformation 12 Jan 17 (SOURCE)
FIGURE 32: Q confirmation validating entire position on impeachment/COVID-19
FIGURE 33: Data confirmation and validation that COVID-19 is a FFPC being driven by manipulated and fraudulent data.
FIGURE 34: Just some baseless self-promotion to bolster the spirit…..
FIGURE 35: This now has a tinge of basis but remains shameless self-promotion.



The Flynn Timeline Insert

*Embedded images sourced from Conservative Treehouse, NBC News, Fox News and QAnon and open federal sources.

Conservative Tree House presents 5 distinct phases for context to the broader construct and they bear significant relevance here:

1. 12/2015 – 4/2016: “The first phase leading into ‘Spygate’ is the period of time where opposition research of the republican candidate field was taking place.  It is in this period where Fusion-GPS hired CIA Open Source researcher Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ-NSD official Bruce Ohr, to do research.”

2. 4/18/2016 – 7/31/2016: “At the same time as NSA Director Mike Rogers discovered a significant and unauthorized uptick in FISA-702(16)(17) database queries, and subsequently blocked access (April 18th, 2016), candidate Donald Trump became the presumptive nominee for the presidential race.”

3. 8/1/2016 – 10/21/2016: “With the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane counterintelligence operation in full swing, the Obama intelligence community, the CIA, was conducting facilitating operations throughout.  In August 2016 CIA Director John Brennan brought the covert intelligence congressional oversight team known as the Gang-of-Eight into the picture.”

4. 10/21/2016 – 1/20/2017: “The FBI received their FISC surveillance authority two weeks before the November 8th presidential election.”

5. 1/20/2017 – present: this portion is too extensive to summarize fully and include – please click the original link. In general, “Here’s where the current background of multiple issues and questions begins to make sense.” Congress is unaware of “what is taking place within the ongoing counterintelligence operation against President Trump and all those around him.  Crossfire Hurricane, aka ‘Spygate’, is mostly invisible in the background. The need to put factual teeth behind a fraudulently created investigative predicate means the FBI needs to start getting serious about the investigative targets. “

Important: Pay attention for commentary in the image captions and elsewhere to give meaning as you progress.


Nov ’14: Mifsud’s first association with London Centre of International Law and Practice Limited (LCILP)


-Obama makes an apparent exception to existing policy by allowing Fauci to fund at $3.7m coronavirus research at the Wuhan lab expected of leaking the virus (SOURCE.)
October/November 2015 – Mifsud joins LCILP
22 May: Obama signs into law the new (JCPOA) Iran deal
Dec ’15: Flynn visits Russia participating in a diplomatic-styled event in Moscow celebrating the 10th anniversary of RT.

Customary, regular and in no way anomalous for traditional US diplomacy.


Feb ’16: Papadopoulos’ Linked-In account states he joined LCILP
Mar ’16: Papadopoulos joins LCILP (conflicts with previous entry above) as head of the Centre for International Energy and Natural Resources Law & Security; create nexus between him and Mifsud; Papadopoulos emails Trump campaign offer to arrange a meeting – “Meeting with Russian Leadership – Including Putin”
06 Mar: Senior Trump campaign official advises Papadopoulos that improving Russian relations will be a priority
14 Mar: Papadopoulos-Mifsud meet for first time
18 Mar: Obama enacted Executive Order/Public Law 113-146 changing Kennedy-era law so as to augment the process and include pandemic preparedness into transitional meetings.
21 Mar: Via the Washington Post, Papadopoulos introduced publicly by Trump campaign as one of 5 foreign advisersMarch 24, 2016 – Papadopoulos meets female Russian national for first time (‘Putin’s niece’) via Mifsud
31 Mar: Papadopoulos attends national security meeting in DC with Trump and other advisors resulting in an effort to broker a meeting with Putin and the Russians
Apr ’16: Papadopoulos emails multiple progress reports regarding Russian meeting efforts
10-11 Apr: Papadapoulos and female Russian national email to arrange foreign policy trip
11 Apr: Mifsud emails confirming the arrangement in the previous entry
18 Apr: Via email, Mifsud introduces Papadopoulos to Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs contact
22 Apr: Russian MFA emails Papadopoulos; thanks him for extensive talks and proposes London meeting
25 Apr: Papadopoulos emails Trump campaign advising of open invitation for Trump to meet with Russians in London
26 Apr: Mifsud meets Papadopoulos in London hotel and claims to have damaging information on Clinton
27 Apr: Papadopoulos emails Trump campaign about “interesting messages” and a meeting where Russia would host Trump
30 Apr: Papadopoulos thanks Mifsud for his “critical help”
May ’16: Papadopoulos-Alexander Downer (AUS) meet to discuss damaging information on Clinton
04 May: Russian MFA emails Papadopoulos about open cooperation Trump meeting
05 May: Papadopoulos has phone call with Trump campaign and forwards Russian MFA email
13 May: Mifsud emails Papadopoulos about continuing to liaise between the Russians and Trump to schedule high-level meeting
21 May: Papadopoulos emails Trump campaign about Russians being eager to meet
01 Jun: Papadopoulos emails Trump campaign; referred to Campaign Supervisor about high-level Russian meeting
09 Jun: Trump Tower Meeting with Russians
Jul ’16: Bruce Ohr advises FBI/DOJ of potentially fraudulent nature of Steele dossier; Downer provides a tip about “Trump” to Australian intelligence (Five Eyes accord); Australia (Five Eyes accord) provides Downer “Trump” tip to US intelligence
18 Jul and before: Trump under surveillance
19 Jul: Papadopoulos, after ongoing communications with the Russian MFA contact, emails Trump campaign about surrogates attending the meeting if Trump is unable; Trump wins Republican nomination
Aug ’16: Bruce Ohr advises FBI/DOJ of potentially fraudulent nature of Steele dossier
15 Aug: Trump campaign advises Papadopoulos to make the Russian meeting trip if feasible (meeting did not take place)
September 2016 – Stefan Halper pressures George Papadopoulos on Russia in accusatory form
Oct ’16: FISA warrant application on Carter Page filedOct ’16: Mary McCord becomes AAG/DOJ/NSD replacing John Carlin
Dec ’16: Kushner facilitates meeting with Russians and Flynn, Sally Yates learns of Flynn investigation

Relative to the above – be prepared to hear revelations that Jared Kushner is somehow compromised.

Notable: Relative to the above – be prepared to hear revelations that Jared Kushner is somehow compromised. That is the emerging evidence and it suggests how the President’s enemies could have put the both him and Flynn at ease regarding interfacing with the Russians. Perhaps the President knew Kushner was compromised and played him, who knows? No matter he was assigned the Russia reset project by Trump. It seems that Kushner may have to answer some difficult questions soon. We’ll stay tuned to see if the dog will hunt.

31 Dec: Kislyak calls Flynn, conversation held

Notable: The previous Kushner meeting now takes on new meaning given that it facilitates a phone call between Russian Ambassador Kislyak and Flynn. We call that a set-up or pretext.

Move forward with tremendous and careful discernment as we encroach on the most important period of US history.


Jan. ’17: Obama increases funding by $171m to the WHO as funded and controlled by Bill Gates and China (soured in housekeeping.)
Jan ’17: Obama sought funding cuts at the CDC, which would effectively interfere with pandemic preparedness and response (SOURCE): fiscal year 2015, $414 million cut year-over-year; fiscal year 2017 budget, looked to eliminate $251 million in CDC funding.
Jan ’17: The period of time Christopher Steele states that he deleted all of his Russian dossier files and contents
03 Jan: Trump and Flynn meet and discuss Russian matters, Mary McCord’s first knowledge of the case against Flynn, Loretta Lynch signs Obama’s new regulations for signals intelligence dissemination (SOURCE)

04 Jan: FBI doc 189-1 indicates that CROSSFIRE RAZOR surveillance (on Trump meeting with Flynn) resulted in no subject interview and closed the CROSSFIRE HURRICANE investigation.

05: Barack Obama, Susan Rice & Joe Biden extend a meeting privately to discuss doing investigations “by the book,” Susan Rice issued self-memorialized document meeting, Sally Yates first receives notice of the Flynn case.

Notable: The day-by-day is remarkable here. To begin, Flynn and Trump meet on the 3rd and obviously the meeting was under surveillance because Flynn got to school sick and the 04 Jan report verifies it. Now, he’s sitting in class with Trump and ‘incidental collection’ is in play: A> B> C = A-C. It seems Barry and the boys were in on this conversation since Flynn’s warrant was active upon arrival; heard nothing but still moved forward. Consider where this went.

Two days following the meeting and the day after the dead-end report and Crossfire Hurricane closing, Obama, Biden and Rice extend a meeting privately. Immediately thereafter, Susan Rice issues a self-memorialization email to specifically frame “Russia” contextually relevant to Flynn, Trump and everything else. They did this AFTER knowing Flynn, Trump and Russia was a dead end. Again, see definition for treason.

Most critical to all things, this very moment in time is when Barack Hussein Obama galvanizes his foreknowledge to the entire false flag political construct into the permanent historical record. Thank you Susan.

At this point the ball game is on and everything else that follows is toward the eventual COVID-19 destination.

10 Jan: Buzzfeed publishes fraudulent Steel dossier tying back to John Brennan and his decision to launder the phone intelligence report by including it in the President’s Daily Brief, thus giving the suspected fraudulent dossier false instant credibility in the MSM.
11 Jan: Dr. Fauci publicly stated, “During a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University, Fauci said the Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak.” (SOURCE)
12 Jan: The Carter Page FISA warrant was set to expire and required renewal
12 Jan: FBI verified via its sub-source that Steele dossier was fraudulent and was comprised of Russian disinformation (SOURCE), thus eliminating their primary predication for initial impeachment and any warrants to which the dossier may have been attached.
13 Jan: Earlier: MSM coordinated the leak of fraudulent Flynn/Russia so as to preempt the presidential transition meetings in which Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn was a participant
13 Jan: Later: Insertion point for the false flag viral pandemic political construct as occurring during compulsory and legally augmented Obama/Trump presidential transition meetings; thrust Fauci, Birx & WHO into roles.

15 Jan: Phase I China deal signed
24 Jan: FBI/Flynn interview, 302 drafted
January 27, 2017 – FBI interviews Papadapoulos for first time
31 Jan: (08 Nov – 31 Jan Flynn “unmasking requests” and parties making inquiries.

14 Feb: McCabe approves Flynn 302, Page and Strzok texts cite “Also, is Andy good with F 302?” and “Launch on f 302.”

Significantly Notable: TAKE NOTE OF THE FACT THAT THE 302 WAS WITTINGLY ACCEPTED AND APPROVED BY MCCABE WITH THE WORD ‘DRAFT’ ATTACHED TO IT. This is deliberate for it creates a legal portal to file revised 302s later, meaning it also creates an avenue to literally change the story after the fact. Also significantly notable is the record of unmasking requests referenced against the varied list of requesting parties. Again, the timeline reveals the meaning – the purpose of the unmasking around the late Dec to mid-Jan timeline is to support the fraudulent case for Flynn being compromised by the Russians. This would be accomplished by leaking the findings publicly as a panicked Obama prepared to leave office with more loose ends than an splayed and frayed anchor rope.

15 Feb: Flynn 302 accepted, indicating Flynn’s invitation to the Russian GRU in 2013, which would have been authorized by Obama’s administration (set-up.)

Notable: Here we have the notorious Page and Strzok texts in support of the questionable 302; remembering that Strzok was the lead interviewing agent on the Flynn interview. Take note of the ‘draft’ marker below.

16 Feb: FBI-Papadapoulos interview #2
17 Feb: Papadopoulos deactivates his Facebook account circa 2005
February 23, 2017 – Papadopoulos ceases using his cell number and establishes a new one
May ’17: Zainab Ahmad attends Global Center on Cooperative Security event
08 May: Strzok and Page texts stating “F*CK! Clapper and Yates…playing into the ‘there should be an unmasking request/record’ for incidental collection, incorrect narrative.”

Significantly Notable: Here Strzok and Page discuss specifically CTH’s contention regarding Flynn as a subject relative to incidental collection. They identify incidental collection as the incorrect narrative meaning that Flynn was an subject for an active FISA warrant.

17 May: Robert Mueller named Special Counsel, Zainab Ahmad member of initial legal team

Notable: “Zainab Ahmad, a member of Mueller’s legal team, is the former Assistant United States Attorney in the Eastern District of New York. As pointed out by Blackburn, Ahmad attended a Global Center on Cooperative Security event in 2017. In recent days, Blackburn wrote via Twitter: “Zainab Ahmad is a major player in the Russiagate scandal at the DOJ. Does she work for SC Mueller? She was at a GCCS event in May 2017. Arvinder Sambei, a co-director of the [London Centre of International Law Practice], worked with Joseph Mifsud, [George Papadopoulos] and [Simona Mangiante]. She’s a GCCS consultant.”

“Blackburn told this author: “Zainab Ahmad was one of the first DOJ prosecutors to have seen the Steele dossier. In May 2017, she attended a counter-terrorism conference in New York with the Global Center on Cooperative Security (GCCS), an organization which Joseph Mifsud, the alleged Russian spy, had been working within London and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.”

31 May: Flynn 302 re-entered at FBI

Notable: The reentered Flynn 302 on 31 May (as noted in the image above) removed the ‘draft’ marker thus allowing for a retro-fitted change to the fact set. It was a deliberate maneuver or a set-up.

27 Jul: Papadopoulos is arrested
30 Oct: Papadopoulos pleads guilty
30 Nov: Flynn signs guilty plea as accepted by Judge Ruy Contreras

Notable: This juncture is important. Notice how Flynn’s signed confession occurs AFTER the ‘DRAFT’ 302 was accepted accepted and then refiled thus establishing a revised fact set. Further down, you’ll note were two revised 302s were inserted again after the fact. The word ‘draft’ was never ‘inadvertently’ anything rather deliberate the entire way. Nefarious and tedious!

Look where it goes. Look whom happened to sit on the FISA court, oversee the Flynn case and then recuse unexpectedly and without explanation. This is entirely reflective of two things: the jig was up and Contreras was in on defrauding of the FISA court upon which he sat. They removed him quietly so as not to rock the boat. Never interfere with an enemy in the midst of self-destruction. Rudy in hot water with the rest of them.

07 Dec: Judge Contreras recuses without explanation to be replaced by as corrupt Judge Emmet Sullivan.

12 Dec: New Flynn Judge Emmet Sullivan orders Mueller to surrender exculpatory (to Flynn’s benefit) to Flynn’s defense team


31 Jan: Mueller orders delay in Flynn sentencing
14 Feb: Mueller requests that Flynn exculpatory evidence (of benefit to Flynn) to be sealed

Notable: Here Mueller is taking a deliberate step with Flynn’s due process by seeking to seal away known exculpatory evidence. That’s how traitors work.

08 May: President Trump abandons Obama’s (JCPOA) Iran deal
26 May: Chinese national with bio-materials and a centrifuge at airport in Detroit (DTW)
17 Jul: Mary McCord/James Comey meet re: 11/15/17 302 (?)

Notable: Come enters the picture with McCord and despite research, we’re unable to identify the subject for 15 Nov 17 302.

28 Nov: U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at Detroit Metro Airport (DTW) stopped a Chinese biologist with three vials labeled “Antibodies” in his luggage
17 Dec: Judge Sullivan receives 2 filed redacted versions of Flynn’s original 302, as ordered and received from the undersigned Mueller and Brandon L. Van Grack.)

https://www.vox.com/world/2017/1/6/14189784/dan-coats-trump-director-of-national-intelligence-dni-russia VOX/ODNI highlight yellow quote

-End/Flynn Timeline Insert-

11 Sep: Chinese national with 8 vials at airport in Detroit (DTW)
13 Nov: DOJ/FBI Tactical Intelligence Report> China<>WMDD<>US (*ancillary intelligence report marked ‘FISA’)
15 Nov: Opening of ‘Public Health Advisor/Quarantine Program’ position post (closes 15 May 20)
17 Nov: Revised (backwards) 1st COVID-19 case: Wuhan, China
05 Dec: Pelosi authorizes drafting of Articles of Impeachment
09 Dec: 21 vials stolen> Boston/Logan Intl. bio-hazard
10 Dec: Boston/Logan Intl. bio-hazard/China arrest, Nadler> AOIs
13 Dec: Nadler’s Judiciary Committee votes to impeach
18 Dec: Full House vote to impeach Trump
27 Dec: Initial (original) 1st COVID-19 case: Wuhan, China> 17 Nov

15 Jan: House: AOIs>Senate, impeachment managers announced, engrossment ceremony, Trump/Xi sign Phase 1 trade deal
16 Jan: Senate formally receives AOIs
20 Jan: 1st COVID-19 case: US, Senate receives AOIs
21 Jan: Senate votes on trial rules, FAUCI> COVID NOT MAJOR THREAT
22 Jan: Senate trial> prosecution opening arguments
23 Jan: Senate trial> prosecution opening arguments
24 Jan: Senate trial> pros. ends opening arg., Loeffler begins dumping stock
25 Jan: Senate trial> defense opening arguments
26 Jan: Senate trial> defense opening arguments
27 Jan: Senate trial> defense opening arguments
28 Jan: Senate trial> defense ends opening arguments
31 Jan: Bolton witness debate, Feinstein begins dumping stock, TRUMP RESTRICTS CHINA AIR TRAVEL
05 Feb: Senate acquits Trump


13 Feb: Burr dumps stock
11 Mar: Pandemic/emergency declaration, (DONE IN 30) > to 12 Apr.
12 Mar: Trump orders and takes-out Iranian commander
15 Mar: Saudi Arabia> mass arrests (SA –> US –> Asia –> EU), Fed rate cut, FAUCI> ABC> 21 million coronavirus hospitalizations, up to 1.7 million dead
19 Mar: Lock-downs begin
24 Mar: DHS essential personnel moved to NORAD
25 Mar: HHS OIG announces it will investigate Trump over COVID-19
27 Mar: National Guard called-up, Trump nationalizes GM, stimulus passed
28 Mar: Projected beginning date for virus peak
29 Mar: FAUCI> REVISION> 100s of 1000s dead, millions infected, Pelosi/attack>DJT
30 Mar: Projected that banks would close> did not happen
31 Mar: Trump tweets “30 Days to Slow the Spread” > 4/30 > 5/1
01 Apr: Schiff> 9/11 style COVID-19 commission, Military> cartels
02 Apr: Pelosi> oversight investigation> Trump ongoing pandemic response, FAUCI> CALLS FOR NATIONWIDE LOCK-DOWN
03 Apr: Projected that markets would close through 13 Apr
10 Apr: Projected worst day 1
11 Apr: Projected worst day 2
12 Apr: Easter Sunday – POTUS’ initial objective end date
13 Apr: INITIAL PROJECTED END-DATE (now revised farther ahead)
30 Apr: Extended ended date for federal guidelines – 30 to slow/done in 30
01 May: Projected end date for virus peak
23 May: Lock-downs begin to relax
06 Jun: Lock-downs end
11 Jun: Identified date / significance unknown

Drink your Moonshine…

It’s good for the TRUTH.

5 responses to “Flynn Still First on Disrupted Timeline – What Happened to #Obamagate?”

  1. “what is reasonably thought to have been a professional hit has occurred targeting federal Judge Esther Salas, who was just appointed to the Epstein/Deutsche Bank case two days before”
    Have your thoughts about this statement changed as more news flows from the event in question? After all, this case is about the bank’s failure to know it’s customer (Epstein) and how that affected other customers’ investments. It is doubtful that any new information about Epstein’s activities will come from the lawsuit. It is also true that this lawyer had previously argued before this judge. Is there a reason to believe that being assigned the Duetsche Bank case affect his actions more than being diagnosed with terminal cancer? Maybe this wasn’t the real killer. If so, it was a poorly executed job (pardon the pun).


      More information has emerged courtesy of True Pundit detailing the supposed shooter’s connections. Conveniently, the story has all but disappeared from the MSM. Still in follow-up mode on this particular angle and hoping to have more soon. Great question/s.

  2. […] Posted on August 21, 2020 by kommonsentsjane Flynn Still First on Disrupted Timeline – What Happened to #Obamagate? […]

  3. […] 1-20 Jul 20: The appointment of corrupt Judge Emmet Sullivan to the Trump and Flynn cases ongoing at the time, the attempted assassination of Judge Salas in the Epstein Deustche Bank case, the 5 Eyes security accord, Trump/Australia/Alexander Downer, FISA/FISC/SCOTUS/Chief Justice John Roberts, Steele dossier, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Joseph Misfud, George Papadopoulos, etc. […]

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