There is an ongoing pivot back to Russia and it’s pending on the finality of the Biden steal. As 80 million Americans find themselves imprisoned by draconian measures delivered by the CCP’s weaponized pandemic, they are also trying to sort-out the granular aspects of a patently stolen election. Meanwhile, there is a fundamental shift that is occurring and is likely going unnoticed. The implications of it all are profound.

The backdrop to this is the reported hacking of the Department of Energy (and others) relative to SolarWinds, which is deeply enmeshed in the 2020 election vis-a-vis Dominion/Smartmatic. Astonishingly, the hack has left significant components to the entire federal digital system completely vulnerable, unmitigated, not redressed and at the control of hostile foreign powers. You’ll hear those details in the interview linked below.

You can go deeper with that article but the main premise will suffice moving forward.

As we get into all of this, recall the evidence that Eric Snowden presented whereby the intelligence community has the ability to hack into a system, extract the targeted data and then intentionally leave behind evidence of “Russian hacking tools.” As you move through this article, continue to ask yourself this basic question. Who more likely executed this hack, Russia or the intelligence community that is on the cusp of being disemboweled in the full public spectrum and which has the capability to leave behind a Russian marker to pin it elsewhere?

That’s a rhetorical question but keep asking it nonetheless.

All of this draws back to the initial vectoring in on the Trump administration as authorized by Hillary Clinton and initiated by Obama’s federal apparatus (intelligence community, CIA, DOJ, FBI, Congress, etc.)

It’s as simple as this and it’s really old hat. Russia is the current boogeyman du jour for the Deep State. When I was a kid, it was the USSR (and not forgetting the Iran hostage affair during the Carter administration.) When I was in college the second time (late 90s) it became radical Islamic terrorism. Get the picture? The boogeyman is as fluid as a viral pandemic construct. It can be whatever, whenever and why-ever as desired.

It’s pure evil. It’s also a war for the mind and many Americans have been programmed to be feeble-minded. It’s cyclical and unbreakable for many.

The spine of the overarching and ongoing multinational overthrow effort is China and the CCP, which is why Russia is the our boogeyman du jour. It’s an easy sell as big, scary and mean and the narrative is already deeply sown; ad nauseam.

Clinton maintained an illegal and unsecured server to deliver China anything and everything sacred (that’s a mere drop in Clinton’s ocean); China designed and developed the COVID-19 strain with our direct assistance, money and proprietary knowledge; China unleashed that bio-WMD against us; and to facilitate it all, China deeply infiltrated the fabric of the nation and its institutions on its way to compromising untold numbers of US leaders, politicians, citizens and more. To that, add one stolen election and the installation of their purchased puppet, Joe Biden.

But look over here, y’all… it’s muh Russia. Feeble-minded Americans actually believe this tripe. War for the mind.

The first whiff for me came in this Lou Dobbs interview and we’ll begin there.

Instantly, the red flags show. This is the same distrusted Fox News Network that stabbed 74 million Americans in the back on election night that is rolling out a Deep State shill to sow the Russia narrative even deeper. It’s complete and utter garbage in terms of the Russian attribution of an actual hack.

Again, who more likely executed this hack, Russia or the intelligence community that is on the cusp of being disemboweled in the full public spectrum and which has the capability to leave behind a Russian marker to pin it elsewhere?

This morning, we all awoke to this item from The Hill.

Again, who more likely executed this hack, Russia or the intelligence community that is on the cusp of being disemboweled in the full public spectrum and which has the capability to leave behind a Russian marker to pin it elsewhere?

The Deep State leviathan sold us all out to China and the CCP for their partnership in assuming full and final control of this once proud constitutional republic. They drove that effort with a false Russia narrative devised to deflect everything away from China and it’s purchase of an illegitimately installed puppet in Joe Biden. Nancy Pelosi calibrated her irregular impeachment of President Trump to veil COVID-19 as it was ushered-in and saddled between Christmas and New Years. It then was leveraged to steal the election. We were placed on a war footing with China long ago and at the latest when they released a bio-WMD against this nation back in October.

Now, pending the finality of the Biden win, that war footing is being pivoted back to Russia and it sounds like Congress cares to leverage it further in suppressing the great awakening while further driving the great reset. The pivot back to Russia is here and it’s not going anywhere.

It’s all on the line America. Time to stand-up and fight like Americans.



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24 responses to “CRITICAL: The Pending Pivot Back to Russia”

  1. It’s a rare occasion when I’ve already figured something out before you put it in print, but the fact that I could this time has a lot to do with all the information you’ve already provided. Also, I have some admiration for Russia, its history and how far it’s come from where it was 50 years ago, so I’ve never believed the left’s Russia bogeyman theme — not 4 years ago when it pertained to Trump, and certainly not now in view of all that’s come to light about China.

  2. “The pivot back to Russia is here and it’s not going anywhere.”


    Maybe not, but it also won’t gain any traction with anyone besides the choir, primarily because DJT has educated all of his supporters that Chyna is the problem, not Russia.

    But the propaganda arm 5th column MSM doesn’t care, so they will hammer the Russia narrative 24/7 at the behest of their CCP owners.

    It’s an interesting twist on achieving the desired effect of mind control, seemingly without caring whether it actually works or not. All that matters is pushing the narrative, not whether anyone outside their closed-loop believes it, or even pays any attention.

    So it’s as if they are just brainwashing themselves, and they don’t care if it’s working on anyone else outside their closed-loop system.

    So long as the narrative is being pushed, that is their reality, even if everyone outside their closed-loop system watches them in total unbelief. We are simply not relevant.

    It’s like a wrap-up smear, it’s a circular closed-loop system.

    CCP injects talking points directly to 5th column MSM, to start blaming Russia. This gets the ball rolling.

    A) MSM promotes desired ‘muh Russia’ narrative, validating it continuously, always based on unnamed ‘sources’

    B) politicians (traitors) controlled by CCP point to MSM validation of CCP talking points blaming Russia

    C) MSM reports on traitor politicians blaming Russia, based on MSM narrative

    D) politicians (traitors) controlled by CCP point to MSM validation of CCP talking points blaming Russia

    E) MSM reports on traitor politicians blaming Russia, based on MSM narrative

    Round and round and round we go, and none of it depends on a single American outside the Beltway believing it, or even knowing it’s happening.

    They create their own reality inside the bubble, we are not even relevant to the process.

    Only someone INSIDE the loop can affect or contradict the narrative.

    And the only someone there is, is Trump — and by extension, his surrogates.

    As if we’re watching a play. The actors sometimes talk in the direction of the audience, but the actors won’t acknowledge that the audience actually exists — and the audience can’t get on stage to interfere with the play.

    It’s two separate worlds.

    Like watching a movie.

    We can’t go from being in the audience and watching to being on the screen and participating.

    And they, being in the movie and on the screen, don’t care if we’re watching, or not. The movie plays on, regardless.

    On a loop.

    The only person who is both in the play/movie and acknowledging the reality of the audience (us) is Trump.

    1. Very interesting and very insightful analysis of how this process works. I’d never thought of it in these terms and I thank you for sharing your ‘nail meet hammer’ understanding.

      1. You’re very welcome Taffy, that’s just how it occurred to me while reading PM’s article.

        Q sometimes says ‘We’re watching a movie’, so that might have played into the perception too.

        There just seems to be a complete disconnect between MSM and America. Not even a disconnect really, more like an obvious animosity toward America and everything American.

        Almost as if the CCP is expressing itself, visibly, through the MSM talking heads.

        I have a theory about that. About the corrupt MSM and the corrupt political-class, and corrupt Hollyweird, for that matter.

        Their corruption may start out with CCP agents using various combinations of bribery and blackmail to gain control over individuals, but at some point these people seem to give themselves wholly over to their puppet masters.

        They become enthusiastic tools of the CCP.

        Like a variation of Stockholm syndrome.

        As if they get to a point, mentally, where they relate to the enemy more than they do the American People.

        If so, then that is almost certainly by design and intention of the CCP. It would make it easier for the CCP to control them, and much easier for the traitors to abuse us, to lie to us, to propagandize us, to engage in psychological warfare against us.

        If they have empathy toward us, if they retain any sense of patriotism at all, the cognitive dissonance would be very difficult to manage, psychologically. But if they come to hate us as the CCP does, if they come to view us as their enemy the way the CCP does, then the treasonous actions of some Americans against We the People would be psychologically consistent with their hatred toward us.

        I’m sure it is very difficult to consistently betray someone you like or care about or relate to.

        If they learn to hate us, their own job becomes much easier, and so does the CCP agent’s job of managing or ‘handling’ the traitor.

        So it would make sense that the CCP would encourage the talking heads of our MSM, the political-class, celebrities they control, etc., to hate We the People. It makes all of their jobs easier.

        And it would explain how the traitors on the TV screen can be so evil and duplicitous toward us.

  3. “It’s all on the line America. Time to stand-up and fight like Americans.”


    This is the problem, and it has been the problem, since Trump was sworn in.

    Our own instincts are to do something. We are also implored by many to do something (e.g., to fight).

    What can we do, until or unless Trump gives us the green light?

    We are the many, they (bad guys) are the few. The only reason the bad guys are still breathing is because the government (Trump) protects them from us.

    Think about it.

    The bad guys can do literally anything without consequence. They can even attempt a Coup against the president of the United States for FOUR years straight, without a single cop giving them the side-eye.

    By contrast, if we even jay-walk, or forget to renew our license plates, the full force of law is brought against us. Two standards of justice, one for us and none for them.

    The one for us is ridiculously strict and severe, which is necessary for total control. The one for the bad guys is a fiction, it doesn’t actually exist.

    If we had Equal Justice Under Law, the bad guys would all be dead.

    Either because the ridiculously strict and severe law for us was also applied to them, in which case they would all be executed for High Treason — or because the bad guys’ non-existent law applied to us, in which case We the People could wipe the bad guys out without fear of any consequence.

    Because that is the only thing stopping us.

    The fear of consequence.

    Because We the People know that corrupt Law enforcement will enforce the Law against us, but not against the bad guys.

    So when people with good intentions implore us to ‘fight’, We the People are getting conflicting signals.

    We’re asked to fight, and our instinct is to fight, but how can we, if Trump won’t let us? If we try to do anything, the DoJ / FIB comes down on us like a ton of bricks.

    If Trump wants us to fight, if he wants We the People to take care of it, We the People can do so, very quickly.

    All DJT has to do, is give us the green light.

    He doesn’t even have to give an affirmative command.

    All he would have to do is provide the Public with a list of the bad guys, and say no one will be interfered with or prosecuted for bringing these bad guys to justice.

    Dead or alive.

    Instruct Law enforcement to ‘stand down’, and as we have all witnessed over the past year, ‘standing down’ is something law enforcement does very well.

    They know exactly how to ‘stand down’, to look the other way. To not interfere between We the People and the bad guys. To withdraw the protection which the government affords the bad guys, which normally protects the bad guys from us.

    The bad guys won’t last a week.

    But until or unless DJT pulls back the protection afforded to the bad guys and tells law enforcement to ‘stand down’, leaving the bad guys totally exposed and naked before their enemies — what are we supposed to do?

    1. “..,what are we supposed to do?”

      Right now the answer to your question seems ‘be prepared and wait’.

      Trump continues to put things in place that will only be functional if he’s in office for a second term, and it makes no sense that he’d bother doing that if he didn’t think he would be. My theory is that, assuming Trump is willing to go nuclear, he won’t do that until all legal processes are fully exhausted with a sufficiently demonstrated ‘all doors closed’ outcome. I originally thought that might be Jan 6, when Congress counts the electoral votes. Then the Supreme Court gave states until Jan 14 to respond to a pending case, so perhaps the timeline has been pushed to that point. However, he may have some other way out of this mess that doesn’t require a nuclear explosion and which may provide a much better outcome. Either way, I’m back to the conclusion that all we can do right now is be prepared and wait.

      And thank you for so well expressing the circumstances of our conundrum.

      1. “Right now the answer to your question seems ‘be prepared and wait’.”


        Yep, I think so too 👍


        “Trump continues to put things in place that will only be functional if he’s in office for a second term, and it makes no sense that he’d bother doing that if he didn’t think he would be.”


        Yes, I’m not at all concerned that Trump won’t be sworn in on January 20th, I’m just fascinated by what he’s going to do between now and then, the twists and turns of this thriller, before the big reveal 😁

        There’s not even a tiny chance that DJT would have gone through everything that he has been put through, just to turn it all over, to be undone, by someone who cheated.

        Doing so would not be consistent with any part of Trump’s character.

        And besides that, knowing what DJT knows, it would be an act of Treason to turn the leadership of the United States over to an agent of the CCP.

        So there is no chance that’s going to happen.


        “My theory is that, assuming Trump is willing to go nuclear, he won’t do that until all legal processes are fully exhausted with a sufficiently demonstrated ‘all doors closed’ outcome.”


        Very much agreed, I think the reasons are multiple, to use the legal process to expose the fraud to the American People, to use the legal process to expose the corruption of the judicial system itself, and to justify the use of military action when all other options are exhausted, due to demonstrative corruption of the civil government.


        “I originally thought that might be Jan 6, when Congress counts the electoral votes. Then the Supreme Court gave states until Jan 14 to respond to a pending case, so perhaps the timeline has been pushed to that point.”


        After one of PM’s articles a week or two ago, it occurred to me that neither side has any incentive to end the game prematurely, and the the game won’t end by external mechanism forcing the issue until January 20th, so I’m having a hard time coming up with a reason why it won’t go until January 19th before DJT pulls the plug.

        Sort of like running out the clock in a football game, and then scoring the winning field goal, with no time left for the other team to score.

        Team Cabal knows that of course, so their job is to provoke Trump into making a move early, so Team Cabal can analyze the move and counterstrike before time runs out.

        Trump would obviously be aware of this dynamic, and would not allow himself to be provoked into an earlier than planned move, unless Team Cabal does something so heinous that it gives DJT the moral authority / obligation to wipe out Team Cabal and end the game.

        So it sort of looks like a high stakes game of chicken.

        Trump doesn’t bluff, and he doesn’t have to. If Team Cabal makes a move, Trump would absorb it, allowing it to backfire on the enemy. If Team Cabal makes a heinous move, Trump is justified in stopping the game and wiping them out. And if Team Cabal does nothing, Trump declassifies everything in a national address on January 19th, exposing the entire Treason Cabal and announcing they have all been arrested or are in the process of being hunted down.

        Trump holds all the cards, which is not surprising, because he would never have agreed to play the game, if he didn’t intend to win. 😁


        “However, he may have some other way out of this mess that doesn’t require a nuclear explosion and which may provide a much better outcome. Either way, I’m back to the conclusion that all we can do right now is be prepared and wait.”


        I don’t see any viable option besides the military, because as we are seeing, the government is thoroughly corrupted, as well as the MSM, and I expect hundreds of arrests to include the MSM, celebrities and local, state and national politicians.

        I don’t anticipate major riots. Undercover agents have certainly infiltrated BLM and anti-fa long ago, and when Trump declassifies everything during a national address and the arrests begin, the leadership of those domestic terrorist groups will be arrested to, decapitating those terror groups and shutting off their money supply.

        National Guard can be deployed to mop up any dead-enders acting on their own without leadership.

        Trump will have massive leverage to either force the U.N. and all member nations to treat Team Cabal (certainly China, likely Iran and others) as global pariah states, cutting off all trade, or (hopefully) disband the corrupt U.N. and work directly with the leadership of the nations of the world to completely isolate China (and Iran).

        Once the CCP is contained and fighting to survive against their own billion-plus strong population, we can begin exposing many of our feckless ‘allies’ who cheated their way into power using the same Dominion voting machine scam that was attempted against DJT.

        LOTS of governments around the world will fall.

        It will be glorious 😁


        “And thank you for so well expressing the circumstances of our conundrum.”


        It is a very frustrating conundrum. We are being forced to sit on our hands and asked to ‘trust’ the same government that has been oppressing us and selling out to the enemies of our Republic for decades.

        But I trust Trump.

        And nobody else but Trump 😁

  4. Scott,
    Thanks for your overview. I always learn something new from your analyses.

    1. I’m glad you found it Liz 🙂

      PM’s articles often help me to think about things in ways I haven’t done before.

      I would have hit the ‘like’ button, but it doesn’t work for me on this website.

  5. I’m not given a reply option on either of your two responses to me, so I’m replying to both here.

    RE: The MSM’s indoctrination. Through indoctrination in the school system, the left has created a cult of people who have no empathy. Cults, by their very nature, are comprised of those who want to follow a leader, who lack critical thinking skills, who consistently lie to themselves and others (often not realizing they’re lying because they unwittingly lie to themselves most of all), who view the world in an us/them perspective, who are willing to abuse others that don’t fit the mold (even cult members), and who only experience feelings of power when lording it over others (i.e. totally void of feelings of self-empowerment gained through accomplishment and personal development). Fauci is one of the leaders in this and a good example of how cultism works. He’s a sadistic sociopathic little twerp with an outrageously huge ego, and the fear-inducing aspect of all this provides him a sense of power. We see this also in the Karens who get off on yelling at people about wearing masks. With all this in mind, switching the MSM’s allegiance to the CCP would be as simple as the cult leaders telling them the CCP’s beliefs and goals are now the MSM’s beliefs and goals. Welcome to 1984.

    RE: “We are being forced to sit on our hands and asked to ‘trust’ the same government that has been oppressing us and selling out to the enemies of our Republic for decades.” I work with horses, who function on the basis of their herd mentality, that being trust and respect, which exist only in an environment of truth and honesty. The horses who become herd leaders are the horses who gain the herd’s trust and respect through demonstrated ability to promote the herd’s (and thus the individual’s) survival. This is how I function, and this is what I see in Trump. Ergo, I don’t believe Trump is asking us to trust the government. I think he has demonstrated his herd-leader abilities with the understanding that we (his herd) recognize them for what they are and, as long as he continues along our survival trajectory, that we’ll continue to accept him as our ‘herd leader’. As such, I don’t believe he’s asking us to trust the uniparty lackeys nor the government agencies, but rather to trust his wherewithal to have found a constructive way out of this mess and to have found the right people to assist him in this. And how do we know that he’s found a constructive way out of this mess? To the degree he can appropriately divulge what he knows without compromising his plan (i.e. not signaling his every intent), he’s been truthful and honest about his understanding of the situation in every rally, in press briefings and in tweets. He demonstrates his ongoing ability to get things done. He never gives up and he never surrenders. We may not always like how his process looks, and we most especially don’t like how it feels to wait out his process, but he’s the only person in a government position that I’ve seen perform so completely and dramatically in the way of a horse herd leader, and that I do trust.

    1. Taffy, thanks very much for the reply.

      I agree with you, my reference to being asked to trust the government was with regard to thinking the judicial process (courts) or the legislators (Congress) would save the day, when I don’t have any reason at all to think either one ever will.

      Only Trump, and the United States military.

      All else is corrupt, as far as I can tell. 👍

      Each new ‘hope’ that a court will do the right thing, or the DoJ will do the right thing, or the FBI will do the right thing, or Congress will do the right thing, or even the ‘electors’ will do the right thing, is just another “Lucy with the Football” routine.

      The only purpose is to demoralize us, by getting our hopes up, only to pull the football away at the last moment before we kick it.

      So I short-circuit their demoralization routine, by dismissing out of hand any and every ‘legal’ maneuver, because every last one of them is dependent on corrupt people and wholly corrupted institutions.

      So when they pull the football away at the last moment, I’m not demoralized at all, I’m laughing at them, because I knew they were going to do it 😁

      And I’m laughing even harder, because while Lucy was playing her stupid game, the entire United States military has surrounded Lucy, and they’re about to call in daisy-cutters and MOABs on her position…

      And I just can’t wait to see the expression on Lucy’s face, before she’s vaporized 😂🤣😂

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  9. […] to once again declare Russia as America’s “boogeyman,” but I accurately identified the pretext for this back in December 2020. Moving forward and by early 2022, I was writing regularly about the […]

  10. […] On 19 Dec 2020, I wrote an article entitled, ‘CRITICAL: The Pending Pivot Back to Russia. […]

  11. […] truth is that on 09 Dec 20, I penned an article entitled ‘CRITICAL: The Pending Pivot Back to Russia‘ and in it, I laid-out the fundamental premise in the opening paragraph: “There is an ongoing […]

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  15. […] Biden’s foreign policy shift away from Trump’s appropriate hyper-focus on China/CCP and back to favorite NATO boogeyman Russia was first identified and reported on back on 19 Dec 20: CRITICAL: The Pending Pivot Back to Russia. […]

  16. […] shift by the incoming Biden Administration, which I identified and analyzed back on 19 Dec 20: CRITICAL: The Pending Pivot Back to Russia. Enmeshed in this US/NATO proxy war is the US Intelligence Community proxy state of Ukraine wherein […]

  17. […] exclusive analysis on 19 Dec 20 that identified a foreign policy shift away from China and back to NATO’s favorite […]

  18. […] 19 Dec 20, I put forth analysis indicating a problematic foreign policy decision by the incoming Biden Administration to shift away […]

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