From its headline alone, a publication today at The Gateway Pundit immediately stood-out to indicate that the Intelligence Community is operating in rinse/repeat mode with its latest Department of Defense Attack on former US President and current presidential candidate Donald J. Trump.

The headline reads ‘19 Retired Generals, Admirals, and Former Top Defense Officials File Supreme Court Brief Against President Trump’s Immunity Bid, Claiming Trump’s Act “Threatens National Security” – Here Is the List‘ and immediately drew-back on the Intelligence Community’s operations to manage the unavoidable circumstances of Hunter Biden’s incriminating laptop in the run-up to the “stolen 2020 election.”

Refer to the article for details including the complete list of signers to the amicus brief; and where I suggest that each of those individuals has chips on the table equating to some degree of exposure; where if the entire rats nest of treason unravels on them, the exposure will have problematic and severe consequences.

The Intelligence Community’s operational plans to mitigate the electoral circumstances of the Biden laptop in 2020; where it leveraged the signatures of 51 former intelligence officials, requires some contextual backdrop demonstrating how it is the model for the IC’s latest DOD-based attack on Trump; and where its more concrete evidence of the overarching IC operations.

The analysis is contained in two sections: CONTEXTUAL BACKDROP and SUMMARY FINDINGS.


The run-up to the massive Intelligence Community operation that was the “2020 election” was an extension of the house of cards foundation established in 2015 and from which the “Russian disinformation” narrative was established.

Through analysis proved accurate, “Russian disinformation” has been entirely dismantled and attributed to the Intelligence Community drawing back to operations in July 2015 when Donald Trump was still a candidate and then CIA Director John Brennan signed-off on the Clinton/Obama/Biden et al. scheme to undermine and attempt to steal the 2016 election.

The IC’s contingency plan for a 2016 election it failed to steal; and in part due to actual voter turn-out that exceeded the parameters for the fractional voting algorithms on election night, was to construct, push and leverage a “Russia, Russia, Russia!” narrative using the architecture of the FISC/FISA mechanism, which remains ongoing today.

A pre-inauguration holdover meeting in the sunset of Obama’s second term occurred on 05 Jan 17 in Obama’s Oval Office as self-memorialized in an email by Susan Rice.

At that moment, the IC put the “Russian disinformation” rubber to the election-stealing and pandemic-faking road according to Obama’s “by the book” orders.

Eight days later on 13 Jan 17, the outgoing Obama Administration leveraged compulsory presidential transition meetings facilitated by Department of Homeland Security functionary the Presidential Transition Office to insert the pretext for the forthcoming COVID-19 “pandemic;” and where 2017 WTS spreadsheets evidence the purchase of “COVID-19 test kits and supplies” from the US, China, the EU and all of the other usual Globalist suspects when “COVID-19” was not first used until three years later on 11 Feb 20.


With all of the COVID-19 RICO evidence laid-out and sourced in an extensive chronology including the actual slides from 13 Jan 17 presidential transition meetings: TIMELINE/GRAPHICS.

For the duration of four years going forward from that meeting, “Russia, Russia, Russia!” was leveraged as the IC established narrative to undermine and eventually remove a sitting US President in Trump in what equated to Obama’s third term.

A fake “pandemic,” a summer of engineered rioting, looting, burning and murder and a stolen 2020 election later, the IC and China succeeded in installing their proxy into the White House when Joe Biden was inaugurated 13-minutes early in January 2021.

Since then and with Obama running point from the shadows in his fourth term, Biden as overseen the internally controlled demolition of the US in a pre-kinetic softening phase of asymmetrical, irregular and undeclared Chinese warfare; and it occurs along the exact lines of Cloward-Piven strategy [evidenced in this series: War, Famine & Disease].

In the operations to steal the 2020 election, the highly incriminating evidence known as the Hunter Biden laptop represented an unavoidable circumstance that had to be dealt with to some degree of permanency and effectiveness.

The IC operation enlisted 51 “former intelligence officials” to pen their names to a fraudulent document of misinformation/disinformation attributing the Hunter Biden lap top to “Russian disinformation” [the following GO DEEPER section contains an historical account of the 51 intelligence officials within the context of the analysis here and our working relationship with Marco Polo].

The Biden Family laptop tied to the two epicenters of Joe Biden’s corruption, criminality and treason: Ukraine [Russia] and China.

Russia [Urkaine] and China [Taiwan, South China Sea] represent two of three long-projected theaters for the designed march to World War III beginning with a foreign policy shift by the incoming Biden Administration in December 2020.

The third projected theater with a specific kinetic flashpoint of Syria, is the Middle East and it envelops Iran, Iraq and others.

By design and currently, those three theaters are cauldrons that will continue boiling until the designed boil-over into war is achieved at the desired time, which the analysis bears-out to be 05 Nov 24 +/- 3 months depending on the predetermined [theft] outcome of the 2024 election.

Nothing erases history and criminality; and nothing is better for depopulating during a complete global reset, than war.

The latest DOD maneuver from the Intelligence Community is embedded amidst all of the aforementioned and it did not disappoint enlisting 19 former DOD officials.

It bears the question, are these 19 traitors?


On the Hunter Biden laptop, Marco Polo and the forensic dossier that evidences multitudes of felonious and treasonous crimes committed by the Biden First Family in the Marco Polo/Biden Laptop series.

Not surprisingly, the Intelligence Community was still beating the 2020 war drum in recent months; this from NBC in February 2024: Former U.S. spies warned in 2020 that the Hunter Biden scandal had Russian fingerprints. They feel vindicated now / The Justice Department said this week that informant Alexander Smirnov invented a story about $5 million bribes paid to Joe and Hunter Biden and is also “peddling new lies.”

Of course, the Smirnov angles were dismantled, too, as Merrick Garland’s DOJ continues cover and concealment operations to steer the unavoidable circumstances of the Biden Crime Family’s criminality to the most desirable landing spots.


On DOJ cover and concealment operations, the ramifications of the Biden laptop and the criminality it evidences and the evidence on Smirnov in several recent pieces:

  1. 16 Feb 24: FBI Form FD-1023 on DOJ/FBI Asset Alexander Smirnov, Special Counsel Hur Statement, Keep Intelligence Community Analysis on Straight Rails: 2024-2033
  2. 12 Mar 24: UKRAINE: AG Merrick Garland and DOJ Stay Problematic Course of International Cover-up Operations Meeting with UKR Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin
  3. 19 Mar 24: UPDATE: Operational Lawfare Targeting Marco Polo, Garrett Ziegler and the Biden Laptop Dossier Directly Impacts Biden Impeachment Inquiry
  4. 23 Mar 24: THE UNTOUCHABLES: Bidens, Burisma and the Intelligence Community

The operational similarities between the Biden laptop during the 2020 election cycle and the DOD attack on Trump for the 2024 election cycle aren’t just similar, but rather identical when the former is examined as a model for the latter.

Moreover, latest DOD attack is a perfect fit into the chronology laid-out in this analysis and the overarching IC operations.


In summary, the Intelligence Community is re-upping the same operational model from the 2020 election cycle where it effectively mitigated the damages of the Hunter Biden laptop evidence to mitigate the damaging electoral consequences created by the historically unprecedented support for a 2024 presidential candidate represented by Donald J. Trump, who is positioned for an historic landslide.

In instances such as these, vetted and trusted mechanisms and models become the IC’s go-to and the pattern recognition is obvious on its face.

The IC’s operational lawfare targeting Trump, et al. and the source for the authoritative and definitive forensic analysis of the Hunter Biden laptop, former Trump advisor Garrett Ziegler’s Marco Polo group, will continue to run parallel to this operation.

The Intelligence Community’s multi-vectored lawfare operations have had the opposite net-effect as intended in a backlash scenario where each incremental step forward in those processes only strengthens and grows Trump’s base.

Given the undeniable effectiveness of the IC to suppress the Biden Family laptop evidence in the 2020 election cycle, the IC is trotting the operational model back out for 2024 to leverage the signatures of 19 former DOD officials.

Nineteen retired generals, admirals, and former top civilian defense officials have filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court, opposing former President Donald Trump’s plea for immunity from prosecution, claiming that granting such a request would pose a significant threat to national security.

The Gateway Pundit


Note how the IC/DOD attack is rooted in the position of “national security” where the amicus brief signed by the 19 former DOD officials cite their opposition to Trump because he “would pose a significant threat to national security.

This is an critical component to understand as I explained in this 15 Jan 24 article, where I said the following relative to the Capitol “insurrection” entrapment operation and observations on the “national security” threat narrative being developed: Palpable Panic: Intelligence Community Tailors Narrative to Remove Trump for 2024.

This means that term will become a legal impediment that is thrust between Trump and the Executive; and which is built around the false narrative that Trump poses a severe risk to national defense and security that extends to the same globally.


It’s clear that the IC is maneuvering to intercede on a set of “unavoidable circumstances” where it doesn’t matter what it does short of assassinating Trump, this is who the American people overwhelmingly want as President.

This necessitates that the IC accept this fact and align accordingly.

Our entire point here is that alignment.

Leaving the assassination arrow in the quiver, the IC is preemptively constructing a deep chasm between an Executive and a Commander in Chief whom they could not effectively preclude from office in 2024.

The operational objective is to intercede on the Executive at the interface between the office’s constitutional authority as Commander in Chief and the U.S. military subject to that command.

This creates a necessary “national security” threat to justify forthcoming action, which would equate to another ‘Dynastic Bush’ false flag operation.

That narrative is now being sown and it all grew out of the IC’s Capitol “insurrection” entrapment operation.

Extending the constructed “security threat” to global security is how an international consensus will be created to further drive the internal national dialogue to remove Trump for that reason.

Political Moonshine on 15 Jan 24

The 15 Jan 24 analysis laid-out how the “national security” narrative being established would be used in future IC operational lawfare.

This IC/DOD operational lawfare in the form of an amicus brief from 19 former DOD officials is direct evidence of that analysis coming to fruition and being placed in action.

The Intelligence Community is operating in rinse/repeat mode again by rolling out the operational model used to suppress the Biden laptop in the 2020 election cycle and rebranding it with new context and 19 new signatures from former DOD officials to attack the one man who can undo them all if he is permitted to win the 2024 election: Donald J. Trump.

The Intelligence Community will guarantee that one of two outcomes is achieved: Trump is precluded from running or prevented from winning if he does -OR- Trump gets into office and WWIII derails it all breaking out in a 6-month window that is +/- 3 months from election day on 05 Nov 24.


One response to ““National Security Threat” Analysis Confirmed: Intelligence Community Operates In Rinse/Repeat Mode With DOD Trump Attack”

  1. […] The first development was an Intelligence Community operational lawfare attack leveraging the Department of Defense where 19 former DOD officials submitted an amicus brief to the US Supreme Court challenging that Trump is a “national security” threat: “National Security Threat” Analysis Confirmed: Intelligence Community Operates In Rinse/Repeat M…. […]

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