In late December 2020, the incoming Biden Administration placed America on a clear trajectory for a thermonuclear World War III on a timeline underpinned by the 2024 election. The projected theaters contained in the analysis are Russia/Ukraine, China/Taiwan/South China Sea and the Middle East/Iran/Syria, et al. What the American people mostly see in mainstream and independent media reporting is a very narrow view of this escalating war that misses the most important aspects. To learn those details, please refer to the War, Famine & Disease series, this being its 207th article. More recently, these items may be helpful: 1-From 2020 Foreign Policy Shift to WWIII in 2024 Biden Marches Us to War and 2-World War III Cauldron Begins to Boil In the Wake of Memorial Day.

New developments further anchor the aggregate war analysis with a Swiss “peace conference” bearing down as a NATO pre-war conference that omits both Russia and China while NATO plans to position US troops directly opposed to Russian troops and Biden reaffirms our defense commitment to Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion.

The projected timeline for a kinetic flashpoint to World War III is underpinned by the 2024 election with a range of +/- 3 months from 05 Nov 24 and we allow that timeline to bear down placing us 153 days or 5 months out; 2 moths outside of the projected range.

In this 5-month run-up, the Biden Administration will remain on the same trajectory evidenced in the War series linked above and if you’re unfamiliar, it includes a designed loss in a repeat of WWII history where a multiple-front theater ended the Nazis in defeat.

The same United Nations that led-out on the fraudulent COVID-19 “pandemic” will oversee the treaty process and the official handover of the US to a Globalist cartel in league with a compromised US Intelligence apparatus and using China and the CCP’s brand of Marxist communism as the battle axe and enforcement mechanism.

This is why the US more closely resembles a Marxist hell hole under Biden and as borne out of Dynastic Bush than the Constitutional Republic with which the Founding Fathers endowed us.

In summary, what the 207 pieces of war analysis does from a launch point of the identified foreign policy shift, is track an incremental march to war arduously evidencing the how and why.

Marching any nation to war is dependent upon building a national narrative to propagate and build support whether it be authentic or constructed for ulterior purposes, with the latter being the norm since at least the 1940s.

This picture summarizes why they hate, persecute and prosecute President Donald J. Trump as a political outsider; being indicative of how he refuses to play ball by their rules:

*Image sourced from @Entheos team Telegram feed

A large segment of the American people ignorantly complied when they began hanging up their Ukraine decorations and to villainize Russian President Vladimir Putin after for years of normalized relations under the Trump Administration.

Their failure to properly discern the true nature of Ukraine and what exactly Putin is doing there as an entirely appropriate countermeasure to continued and escalated NATO aggression in the region is obvious and a direct result of consuming Intelligence Community propaganda called the “news.”


Apply our positions to these developments and considerations:

What Is The Real Purpose Of The Swiss “Peace” Conference For Ukraine?: “Switzerland is hosting a “Summit on Peace in Ukraine ” on June 15-16 at the five-star Bürgenstock hotel above Lake Lucerne in central Switzerland. The Swiss government says they hope this will lay the groundwork for a peace process in Ukraine which has been embroiled in a bloody war with Russia for the past two years. However, that notion is fantasy given the fact that at least 80 countries from around the world are invited, yet Russia is not.

“The arrangements for the meeting still fall far short of China’s requests and the general expectations of the international community, making it difficult for China toparticipate…China has always insisted that an international peace conference should be endorsed by both Russia and Ukraine, with the equal participation of all parties, and that all peace proposals should be discussed in a fair and equal manner. Otherwise it will be difficult for it to play a substantive role in restoring peace.”

Without Russia or China in attendance the conference becomes nothing more than a strategy meeting for NATO members, and here is where the true purpose of the Swiss event is revealed.”

Analysis: An absent Russia and notably absent China make this a pre-war conference under the guise of peacemaking. In the end, they’ll point back at it and claim they tried to avoid the unavoidable when in reality, it was a planned march the entire time.

Revealed – NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight RUSSIA: Alliance prepares for rapid deployment of American soldiers amid fears Moscow is plotting major war with Europe: NATO is drawing up plans to send American troops to the frontlines of Europe in the event of an all-out conflict with Russia, it has been revealed. New ‘land corridors’ are being carved out to quickly funnel soldiers through central Europe without local bureaucratic impediments, allowing NATO forces to pounce in an instant should Putin‘s devastating war in Ukraine move further west. The plans are said to include contingencies in case of Russian bombardment, letting troops sweep into the Balkans via corridors in Italy, Greece and Turkey, or towards Russia’s northern border via Scandinavia, officials told The Telegraph.”

Analysis: As soon as Russian and American troops stand opposed in the Russia/Ukraine theater, we are one errant shot away from a worst case scenario and if the kinetic flashpoint occurs there, it will cascade over into the other two theaters to begin the broader designed and constructed conflict.

    Biden ‘Not Ruling Out’ Boots On The Ground If China Invades Taiwan: “President Biden has affirmed he is ‘not ruling out’ boots on the ground in Taiwan, in the scenario of a future Chinese invasion. While this type of response is really nothing new when it comes to American politicians being asked hypothetical questions about the future of Taiwan, it does come at a tense moment when an anti-Beijing hawk, Lai Ching-te, has just ascended as Taiwan’s new president.”

    Analysis: The analysis has given great attention to the informal defense and missile agreements the US has maintained with Taiwan for decades in consideration of China and South China Sea aggression. The work threads it back through the Bush dynasty [Dynastic Bush]; including Biden’s flip-flopping on the matter bouncing back and forth from not defending to defending Taiwan. It’s all smoke and mirrors as the designs have the US directly and immediately involved in a second or third theater flashpoint after the long projected initial flashpoint occurs in the Middle East. If not, the Russia/Ukraine flashpoint will spillover to the Middle East and where Occam’s tells us Beijing would move on Taiwan in accordance with hegemonic and military doctrine as soon as the US were drawn into conflict in one or two theaters.


    Events continue to unfold in exact alignment with incredibly well-sourced analysis that remains remarkably accurate as written years in advance and calibrated to an electoral timeline with a 6-month range positioned as 05 Nov 24 +/- 3 months.

    This is direct evidence of the asserted design and construction of this manufactured war.

    The result will be the continued escalation of events until a kinetic flashpoint is reached and the designs will intercede on the election as an impediment to Trump’s foregone return to the Executive.

    Or it will hamstring the Trump Administration in the event the Intelligence Community reconciles him as an unavoidable circumstance and determines that the only way to maintain control of the populace is to permit him to win the election he’s already won.

    Of course the other scenario entails both Biden and Trump removed and new proxies installed; likely a Michelle Obama first term to give Barack his fifth [he undermined Trump during his third and enjoys his fourth pulling Biden’s strings].

    Unless some event occurs to fundamentally alter the geopolitical landscape, we’re headed for war and relatively soon or as they would say, right on time.


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